Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

Journey Within

Silence befell us as we left Krolia and Kolivan behind, no one spoke a word. Only the sound of our thrusters echoed in our cockpits and the occasional beep of our instruments. I wanted to say something, but I just didn't know how to break the ice. Days passed by like this that even Storm just decided to nap as a past time. I sat in my pilot chair upright with my helmet on almost expecting for something to attack us. Honestly, I was paranoid. Who would have thought that after ten-thousand years I would confront this demon from my past. I wished things could have been different. For those who inflicted pain to see the error of their ways. I knew deep down I wanted Zarkon to open his eyes and see what terrible things he had committed and for Lotor to have chosen a different path. I yearned to see the good in people, but sometimes there was not even a glimmer of light. I held on to the flame that ignited my soul and kept me going. I had so much to live for. I never thought I would become friends with a distant race or that I would choose a mate among them. The path of life had twisted and turned to the point where I no longer saw what was ahead of me and that frightened me. I feared the unknown.

Pidge began to run some wave length tests breaking the silence, her work appeared on my screen when she asked Shiro for his opinion. I sat back listening to them banter; Shiro's voice always seemed to sooth me.

"Maybe if we run this configuration." He tapped on the screen and send it to Pidge.

"Still nothing." Pidge sighed, "Allura, try the sonic wave."

"Okay, I'll try." Her lion glowed as she connected to it, but the Blue Lion's eyes flickered powering down. "It's still not working. And it probably won't work again until our power-cores are recharged."

"Roger that." Pidge responded, "Well, our long-range scanners still haven't detected any planets nearby. No star systems, nothing."

Lance grumbled, "How long have we been out here?"

"Going on four movements." Romelle said tiredly.

"And how long is it gonna take us to get to Earth at this speed?"

"I think Pidge said something like ten billion deca-phoebs."

"I said one and a half Earth years." Pidge interjected.


"Whoa, whoa." Hunk said, "Wait, there's a big discrepancy between ten billion deca-phoebes and one and a half Earth years. Which one is it?"

"It's one and a half Earth years!" Pidge retaliated angrily, tired of the others questioning her, "We've gone over this several times, though there may be a margin of error of about a month, depending on any time dilation we encounter."

"Calm down Pidge, we trust your judgement." I said trying to calm her down.

"Well someone doesn't think so."

"Look, we knew this wasn't going to be an easy or quick voyage but replacing the Castle of Lions is our top priority." Shiro spoke up stopping Pidge from ranting.

"We just have to stay sharp and maintain discipline." Keith finally joined the conversation, "We knew when we started this journey that we'd be low on power. We didn't plan on going through the galactic void, but we'll get through it."

"That's the spirit." I cheered not too enthusiastically; Shiro smacked my arm lightly. I grinned at him.

"Don't worry, guys." Lance perked up, "We'll run into something eventually that will turn this trip around."

"What makes you so sure?" Hunk asked.

"If my experience in space has taught me anything... it's that something always comes along to try to kill us."

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