Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Stayin' Alive

My wing began to heal fast to the point where the pain became numb, it felt heavy. With the help of Bitma, the old lady who tended to my injury, I was soon able to move my wing around but still with a bit of difficulty. Storm was curled up in a corner refusing to leave my side, always keeping an eye on me as if somehow, I was going to disappear from his sight.

"Relax Storm, I feel much better now."

"I'll relax until your wing is fully healed."

We were still inside the emerald glowing cave, I was laying down on my back. I traced the green veins on the ceiling to pass the time.

"I won't be able to stay still for much longer, sooner or later, we will have to go back to the others...I wonder how they are doing."

"I'll lay a force field above you if that is what it takes to keep you resting." Storm retaliated.

His comment made me chuckle, "We are at war. Injuries are just a byproduct of it."

"I know, I just...I just wish things could be different. I yearn for our old life as hatchlings." Storm said with nostalgia. His thoughts ran over the landscape of our planet from high up in the sky. I closed my eyes and joined him, letting him carry me in his memory. Green pastures adored the ground, trees extended as far as the eye could see, mountain picks so high in the sky making us feel insignificant at their might, but all of this was no more. I honestly did not know if my planet still existed and if it did, I was sure it would be in a deteriorating state. Deep down I was scared to know.

The memory began to change, it slowly evolved into a nightmare. The green grass began to burn with an intense bright orange fire.


That fire swallowed each and every tree until the whole forest burned like the very hell on earth. Animals raced out of the forest trying to save their lives but where ever they ran, the fire was faster.


The once majestic mountains looked broken as balls of fire rained from the sky. They impacted on them breaking chucks of their once beautiful faces, disfiguring them. The blue sky was covered by thick black smoke, an orange-red vortex swirled menacingly in the middle.


I gasped and opened my eyes sitting up quickly breathing heavily.

"I'm, I'm sorry...I got carried away by my emotions." I said between breaths.

"I know the feeling, I have thought of it too. I don't know if I want to know what really happened to our planet."

I placed my hand on his snout, he had moved his head closer trying to comfort me.

"This is why I can't stay still for a very long. I will start to ponder on things that will only bring me pain."

I closed my eyes and concentrated on dematerializing my wings, they disappeared leaving me a great pain on my back that slowly subdued. I held my breath until the pain was bearable.

I stood up and grabbed my helmet and made my way toward the entrance of the cave, Storm followed, his talons made light clicking noises on the stone beneath our feet. When we reached the entrance, I was surprised to see the Trinderians up and about repairing their village and others having conversations about past events. Toward the edge of the village, The White Lion stood standing on all fours as if watching over them. The memory was hazy, but I remembered she had come to aid us when a Galra fighter had attacked us.

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