Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

A New Defender

Even after taking down more than a dozen Galra cruisers, they kept coming in like pesky insects trying to shoot us down from all angles. Since the communications satellite came back online, the Galra of Naxzela had been able to call for back up.

"It appears that all of the planets we've engaged have been pacified, if not totally liberated." Coran stated; the alarms of the castle began to blare, the sound in our cockpits, "Wait. There's another Galra cruiser approaching Naxzela."

"Can one of the cannons shoot it down before it reaches us?" I asked, grunting as dodge another ion cannon.

"Sector Car Niomofor is clear." Matt informed, "Let me see if I can get a line on the battle cruiser."

After a few ticks, no word of the battle cruiser's demise was said over the comm making me a bit anxious, "Did anyone take it out?"

"Zaiforge cannon Senfama, are you still operational?" Matt asked.

"Negative." Keith answered.

"That incoming battle cruiser must have shut them down remotely." Coran theorized.

"Can they do that?" I asked

"Well they just did." Keith responded, "Sorry, guys. That's it for artillery support. What should we do about that cruiser, Shiro?"

We destroyed another energy pillar crumbling it to the ground by punching it with the Green Lion. "That cruiser's gonna be too late. Naxzela's almost secure." Shiro answered.

The alarms began to blare in our ears as a battle cruiser had targeted us ready to fire its laser beam, "On our left! Shield up!" Shiro ordered. Pidge summoned the shield in a tick of time, blocking us from most of the laser's energy, but it still pushed us back. It kept its beam on us until we managed to reflect it back onto them, exploding the cruiser in the process. We flew up, passing the fire cloud, and I quickly moved us into position turning us around. Hunk summoned the laser cannon and fired taking down multiple laser turrets on the ground. The whole base went super nova, engulfed in a bright yellow explosion.

We landed back on the ground with a loud crashing sound lifting up dust everywhere, but as soon as we touched down, the ground began to shake violently.

"Whoa!" Lance exclaimed, "Did we cause that earthquake?"

"I don't think so!" Pidge responded.

The alarms went crazy once again, igniting my cockpit in a red crimson color.

"Guys look over there!" Hunk said.

Pillars bigger than Voltron began to emanate from the ground, reaching up towards the sky, making us look insignificant. They looked cylindrical in shape and their sides had glowing purple veins that pulsed light.

"Uh... guys, what are those?" Lance asked.

"I have no idea." I answered, "But I count more than dozen of them."

"We've never seen anything like this from the Galra before." Pidge added.

"Are they weapons?" Hunk asked.

"They look like some sort of generators." Pidge responded.

"Pidge might be right." I said, "The pulsing light from the side of the pillars is some sort of strange energy... I can feel it."

"Stay alert." Shiro advised.

"I say we get outta here." Lance suggested, "Pidge, plot a course for our escape."

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