Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Broken Mirrors

It was strange not having Keith around, even though he was gone most of the time or ended up showing up late to our missions. Sometimes I would forget that he left and turn around in my seat, but his usual brooding self was missing. I had become so habituated with the other Paladin's presence; they had become my new family. Yes, the universe was cruel in taking away people who were very dear to me, but it felt like it was making up for that one mistake. Shiro was returned to us, Keith left, but the certainty of knowing he was still alive somewhere battling the Galra made it just a bit easier to bear.

Pidge was feeling the same way, often thinking about her lost brother and father. They had been missing for over two years now and their trace was growing cold. She managed to scout information from the Galra bases we infiltrated or data bestowed by the Blade of Marmora. Pidge grew more impatient by the day, even though I tried to always remind her that she should take it one step at a time. One day she found a lead on her brother and decided it was time to follow it.

All Paladins, minus Pidge, with Coran stood on the bridge of the Castle looking at the main Screen.

"Pidge, I don't like the idea of you going alone." Shiro said, "You sure you don't need backup?"

"I'm sure." Pidge responded, "The Intel that shopkeeper gave me leads me to believe they could pull out of their current location at any time. I need to act fast. This may be my only chance. Plus, you guys still have plenty to do on Olkarion."

"Be on alert Pidge." I advised, "I hope you find what you're looking for." She gave me a smile and nodded her head.

"Hey, while you're out, will you look for some more Fluuto beans?" Hunk asked with hope; Lance's eyes widen at his request.

"No, no, no!" Lance exclaimed, "No more beans for Hunk!"

Pidge let out a groan knowing fairly well why Lance was protesting, "Gotta, go." She said and turned off the visual comm.

Everyone in the room began to leave to go do their assigned tasks, I headed for the exit of the castle looking for Storm who had been absent from the Control room. I followed his energy signature through our link; it guided me to a ledge overlooking the city. He observed the crowd below with un-interest, his tail twitch side to side slowly and his scales sparkled in the sunlight; it had become a custom of him to be here.

"Bored?" I asked as I stopped next to him.

He answered not turning his gaze away from below,"No, yes, I don't know honestly. I have this strange feeling."

I picked up a hint of sadness, "Storm, you know you can tell me anything. What's wrong?"

"I feel... left out." He drew lines of the ground with one of his talons.

"You are as much a part of team Voltron as any of us." I touched his neck, he finally looked down at me.

"Is not the same, all Paladins including you have their lions. The lions allow you the fight outside in space not just inside the atmosphere of a planet. I want to be as useful as any of them, but I can't. I am stuck on the ground or inside the castle with no means of aiding you."

"Don't say that." I stepped forward and took his snout in my hands, "You are not useless. Without you I would have died long ago, you are my support. The only being in this universe who knows me inside and out. We have been bonded since I was less than a year old; Drakie and Drako united for an entire lifetime. Without you Storm, I am nothing."

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