Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

Know Your Enemy

So many different thoughts raced through my head as we move closer to the Milky Way Galaxy. I wondered how things would be on Earth and what I would do when we got there. Not many humans have met distant races let alone someone like Allura, Storm or I. My stomach felt strange with anticipation, but it was silly of me to think the humans would reject me for who I was. Shiro, Pidge, Hunk, Lance and Keith had been really accepting since the start and even felt comfortable around Storm; I only hoped the other humans in the so-called Garrison would do the same.

Voltron moved faster than a shooting star nearing a blue gaseous planet in the Earth's solar system. Pidge opened a frequency to Earth trying to get ahold of her father to let them know of our arrival, but only crackling static came through. We feared the worst, perhaps the planet had already been invaded.

"Dad, please respond." Pidge begged, "Voltron is coming. Hold on."

"Are we too late?" Hunk asked.

"No, we can't think like that." I said and fed more energy to Voltron to go faster.

"Katie? Katie, it that you?" Sam's voice came through the static.

"Dad, it's me. I'm here."

"Katie, I'm so glad to hear your voice. Where are you?"

"We're within the Solar System." Pidge responded, "Heading to Earth now."

"Wait! You must stop!"

"What is the matter, Sam?" I asked.

"Sendak has invaded the planet. He's taken over Earth. If he finds out that Voltron is here, he'll threaten the people of Earth in exchange for the lions." The mention of his name brought back memories of our first encounter with Sendak, it nearly cost us our lives and the lions. If he had done all those horrible things to countless planets under his watch, what had he done to Earth?

"Reverse thrusters!" Keith ordered.

"Copy that. Hold on tight!" Hunk said.

I pulled back on my handles activating the ones on the wings while Hunk and Allura helped with the legs. We came out of hyper speed and the alarms began to beep as the radar picked up enemy ships. The Galra fighters opened fire and we began to take evasive maneuvers. I back flipped us out of the way of an incoming laser.

"Paladins, we blocked the patrol's transmission." Sam informed, "You're clear."

"Roger that." Lance stated, "Let's take 'em out!"

"Right there with ya." I agreed and turned us around to face our attackers to let Lance take his shot. The Red Lion roared and fired individual disk-shaped lasers taking out two of the patrolling ships, the third managed to get away. We flew after it using our new thruster power creating a sonic boom.

"Lance, take your shot." I said, "Were getting close."

"Wait!" Pidge halted, "Don't destroy that ship. We might need it."

"Really? For what?" Lance asked.

"I've got an idea."

"What are you planning, Pidge?" I enquired.

"Let's capture it first, then I'll explain."

"All right."

I moved in an arch to intercept the fighter and managed to capture it by firing an electric pulse from Voltron's chest that would only affect the sentry onboard.

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