Chapter 30

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Chapter 30


-Taylin- Ten thousand years ago-

I exited the meeting hall enraged at my father's passiveness while I was here trying to join the war effort. Could he not see how much I wanted to help? Zarkon needed to be stopped at all cost before our own planets fell to his tyranny. I knew my father meant well and he still had a soft spot for his old friend somewhere in his heart, but Zarkon had lost his way long ago. His hunger for power fueled his vengeance toward King Alfor and his allies. The day he declared war on the Alteans, was the day he declared war on us. The Alteans had been our closes friends for decades, it was only right that we helped their king defend the peace and protect those weaker than us.

As I pondered on all this, my mother's voice brought me back to reality, I turned around to see her running down the hall. "Taylin, where do you think you are going?" She asked as she came to a stop in front of me breathing heavily. She looked at me straight in the eye trying to decipher my true intentions.

"I can't wait for my father to decide for me any longer mother." I said running a hand through my hair, "Do you both really want to see Negetia or Altea fall to Zarkon's tyranny? Do you really want to witness countless deaths of our fellow brothers and sisters?" 

"No." She said under her breath.

"I don't ether. Not when I know I could have done something about. We have to begin striking the Galra Empire where it hearts. I know you understand me, you are a warrior too."

Mother took a deep breath and a few tears slipped out of her eyes, "I just don't want to lose you, Taylin."

I placed my hands on her shoulders and gazed deeply into her green eyes, "You won't lose me mother, I can take care of myself. Plus, I have Storm to protect me."

She reached to wipe her tear stained face, "You should really go talk to your father, he was very upset when you left so abruptly."

I sighed and looked down at my feet, "I don't have anything to say to him...For now." I lifted my head to place a kiss on her cheek before leaving her in the hallway to meet with Storm; he waited for me outside.

He rested on the landing platform close to the edge to be able to see what went on below, when he felt my presence, he turned his head to look at me with anticipation.

"Did you father give us his consent to join the war?" He asked as I neared, "Hmm, by the look of your face, he didn't."

"Father thinks I'm still too young to join the fight, he won't even allow me to participate in small missions or even come to the strategy meetings." I complained.

"I had really hoped since the last time he saw us practice our air combat skills, he would have changed his mind."

I touched his snout and he hummed trying to comfort me, I felt his mental embrace and closed my eyes, "Come, let's go. We have to meet up with the others to discuss our plans. We are pretty much on our own now."

Storm lowered his body closer to the floor for me to reach one of his horn and pull me up on his back with just a swift lift of his head. He placed the invisible protecting barrier on my legs and stood up to walk closer to the edge of the platform to take flight. Just before he was about to leap off, I heard my name being called urgently making us both turn around alert. It was my mother who called to me and waved her arms at us to stop. Storm took a few steps back and turned to walk toward her.

"What is it mother?" I asked worriedly.

"Your father. He has agreed for you and your team to join the war effort." She said with a hint of a smile.

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