Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Hole in The Sky

At the speed Voltron was going, the castle quickly came into view, we disbanded back into lions, each heading to their perspective hangars. It was a tuff first mission, it felt like when we nearly started back on Arius. We had to learn to work together again with people we already knew. With everything that had been going on, I did not have to time to continue my search for Shiro. He was always there, in the back of my mind, reminding me how much a longed to be at his side. I wondered every night, when I went to bed, how our lives would have been like if we had met under different circumstances. Would I have fallen for him then? Who knew if my father would have accepted him as my mate since he was no prince or royal of any kind, but he had a heart of gold.

I sighed and left my hangar ready to head to bed after the eventful day we had. I passed by a few of the Paladins which I only gave a small smile with a nod of my head in acknowledgement of their presence. I was so deep in thought that I almost smacked into Pidge, she being shorter had prevented me from seeing her.

"Hey, you okay Taylin?"

"Yeah, sorry." I said shaking my head to clear my head, "I didn't see you there."

"Yeah." She laughed, "I noticed. Is something the matter?"

"I was just thinking about today." I said running a hand through my hair.

"Me too, how crazy it is that Zarkon has a son."

"Indeed." I said tiredly, "Well Pidge, if you'll excuse me, I'm headed to bed."

She nodded her head, "Night."

I just smiled at her in response.

I made it into my room and got ready for bed, taking a shower and changing into my sleeping garments. My body felt so heavy and my eyelids tended to close on their own like really heavy curtains. It wasn't long before slumber overtook me.


The bed beneath me felt stone cold and uncomfortable, I tried adjusting my sleeping position, but it was no use. I sighed deeply and opened my eyes, but instead of seeing the familiar surroundings of my chambers, I saw grey stone walls. I immediately sat up looking around, only a small ray of light seeped through a crack in the sealing. The cold hugged my body, I brought my arms close to my chest to warm them. When I looked down, I was in my Paladin armor, but my communicator was missing from my left wrist.

"How did I get here?" My breath created a small puff of white. I thought for a moment but could not recall us going on a mission. A shiver went through my body and I decided that instead of sitting there and freezing, it would be wise to find out where I was and get back to the castle. I stood up with a bit of difficulty since my legs were frozen, small jabs ran down them as the blood began to flow once again. I followed the tunnel out of the cave, peering outside, my thoughts were confirmed, it was indeed another frozen planet. The winds howled through the landscape, picking up snow particles and scattering them onto other hills.

"What is with me and frozen planets? I'm starting to hate the snow as much as Storm."

My boots made soft crunching sounds as I stepped out of the cave and onto the snow. The place seemed deserted, small hills of snow accumulated throughout the landscape and in the distance, I could make out a glimmer of what I assumed was a frozen lake. Everything seemed peaceful until something, that looked like a ball of fire, broke through the clouds and crashed. I forgot about the cold and ran towards the crash site to provide aid. As I neared, the shape of the ship looked very familiar, it was a Galra fighter. I slowed down and approached the ship with more caution, I didn't know if the pilot was hostile or not, regardless, they needed help. The back of the ship had been totally burned off, but the cockpit looked to have sustained minor damages, meaning the person must have survived. I climbed the nose of the ship and summoned my Bayard in a form of a sword and stabbed it where the black glass met the metal of the hull. I pushed it up to pry it open, after some effort, it finally opened with a load hiss. Placing my Bayard to the side, I took hold of it with both hands and pulled it up, but to my surprise, it was empty.

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