Chapter 16:Will You Train Me?

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Laying on the floor was Azazel, and Lucy was cowering above him. With all her training, it was in her favor to win while Azazel hadn't had any training for the past few years. "If you don't train you will become rusty, broken beyond repair." was a quote Mizuko told her while training.

"So, are you going to train me now?" Lucy asked innocently, as if she had just found an old man who was  about to die but wanted someone to pass on his legacy, or something. Her body felt as light as air, for the first battle she had done for fun that she had done in quite a while, percisey two years.

Blood-red eyes glared back at brown, while Azazel had seen Lucy's powers, he was at mercy to her kindness and such at that certain moment. Sighing, he tilted his head back an replied with a deathly grin.

"Of course not, you foolish peasant."

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