Chapter 22:Misunderstanding

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"W-What are you doing here, N-Natsu!?" Lucy stuttered, her eyes swirling around in confusion.

"That should be my line! Where have you been!? The guild has really changed without you! And why can't I feel your magic power?" Natsu shouted, wide-eyed, his jaw dropping to the floor with each question he asked.

"U-Um..! I-I just came here with Azazel and..." Lucy waved both her arms wildly, clearly showing her hands, which were enterwinded with Azazel's. And Azazel was just standing there with a "What-The-Fuck-Look" plastered on his face.

Natsu growled,"Why are you holding hands with Lucy?" Just then, Lucy and Azazel realized that they were still holding hands and quickly let go, a flustered blush on their faces.

Natsu glared at Azazel, stupidly believing that he was an enemy. "Oi! You there!" He pointed at the flustered male standing beside Lucy," I challenge you to a battle!"

Natsu's words snapped Azazel out of his trance. "Hah? Why am I battling a stranger that I just met?" Azazel demanded, pointing  his index finger at Natsu.

"Stop your blabbering and give back Lucy's magic!" Natsu yelled, charging at Azazel, flames covering his fists. "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" He chanted, making his fists as hard as steel and as hot as lava.

Just when Natsu was about to land an attack, Azazel disappeared and transported himself and Lucy to the other side of the arcade. Pieces of the wooden floor and dust exploded through the room. Then, a shadow flew across the room to their side. "Fire Dragon's Claw!" Natsu screeched, rushing to attack.

"Oi. Stop it, now. You are no match for me, after all the training I went through with Lucy here." Azazel stated, his eyes giving off a serious tone.

Natsu stopped mid-way through his attack and fell face down on the ground. He raised his head, "You went training with Lucy?" He asked, confused a heck.

"Yeah, he did," Lucy said, finally deciding to join in the conversation between the two males. She glared at Natsu, giving him a "Don't-You-Dare" face. Natsu flinched.

"S-So, w-what are you two doing here?" Natsu asked, as if Erza was there. Oh, only if Erza was there. Lucy was strong enough to rival Zeref, and she wanted to show that.

"We," Lucy said, emphasising the 'we' ,"Came here to hang out at the arcade, in which you ruined."

She was really pissed at Natsu right now. She only wanted to hang out with Azazel in the arcade. Was that so much to ask? Apparently so. They just had to run into Natsu here and get into a heated battle. Literally.

"So, what are you doing here, Natsu?" She asked in a really angry voice, and it seemed apparent to Natsu. He gulped, attempted to answer but failed miserably.

"You know what? I don't even want to know. I don't care. It's your fault that I ended up like this anyway." Lucy said coldly, her eyes narrowing. She turned to Azazel. "Come on, Azazel. We're leaving." She grabbed his hand and started to walk out of the arcade.

"Wait! Lucy!" Natsu yelled, his arm reaching up, as if he was attempting to grab her. She didn't even look back. "Lucy! Fairy Tail needs you back! You're a part of the family, our nakama!" He yelled.

This time, Lucy looked back, a small stream of tears flowing down her face. She mouthed something, but Nastu didn't know what she was mouthing, but he knew exactly what she was saying: "Please, don't hurt me anymore...Sayonara Natsu." Then she turned her head back and stuffed it into Azazel's chest, crying her eyes out as they both slumped down onto the ground that now seemed like a barren wasteland to Natsu. Red magic particles started to swirl around both of them, the very image of them  disappeared, as the particles surrounded them, and the last thing Natsu saw was the disapproving face of Azazel, who was conforting the girl with a broken heart, as they disappeared into the sky.

"Drops of water..." Natsu thought, "The tears of pain she shed, because of me...What am I doing?" Natsu soon felt the very thing he was thinking about start falling from his eyes. Drops of tears falling from his eyes, he yelled. "Lucy! Come back to me! Forgive me, Lucy!" This time drops of water fell from the sky, mixing in with the first tears he had shed in years. 

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