Chapter 35:Memories Before Somebody Arrives

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Small bright streams of sunlight burst through the curtains of Lucy's room, making their way only into her eyes. Slowly, she got up drowsily and folded the bed. This had become a natural routine for her. Wake up before Azazel does, take a bath, brush her teeth, go downstairs and make breakfast. The usual.

But today, it was a totally different story. When Lucy walked downstairs she met eyes with Miyuki.

"Ohayo, Miyuki-Chan. Where's Gray?" Lucy asked. Miyuki figeted. "Umm... I don't mean to be rude or anything but..." Miyuki turned a shade of bright red. "Umm... Today... Gray-San... Stripped in front of me... So..."

Lucy nodded. "I understand. Gray still hasn't stopped stripping? Honestly..." Lucy grinned, "Well, I have an excuse to talk to him now." Miyuki nodded her head in confusion. "Is that so?"

"Yeah. Miyuki-Chan, do you want anything to eat?" Lucy asked. Miyuki shook her head frantically. "No, no Lucy-San! I couldn't possibly ask you to do anything for me; After all the trouble I gave you..."

Lucy grinned. "Don't worry about that. It's alright to rely on others. I did that and I still do." Miyuki slowly gave in. "Umm... Lucy-San, can I have some orange juice and eggs please?"

Lucy took out a pan, grabbed three eggs from the refridgerator, and cracked them all at once. "Coming right up! What type of eggs do you want?"

"Anything is fine with me, Lucy-San." Miyuki sat herself at the dining table. Sitting down, she felt a painful jolt in her head. A memory replayed in her head.

A woman in her mid-thirties with long blue hair and blue eyes bustling about in the kitchen, yelling to a man with light brown short sandy brown hair and warm hazel eyes, "What type of eggs do you want, honey?" To which the man replied, "Any type is okay! You make the best eggs, after all, sweetie!"

When Lucy set down a plate of scrambled eggs, Miyuki snapped back to reality. "Miyuki-Chan, daijoubu?" Miyuki nodded her head and gave a weary smile. "Hai, but I saw something. A woman cooking eggs for her husband."

Lucy clapped, "Oh! That could be a memory, Miyuki-Chan! Good job!"

Miyuki looked down at her eggs. "Really? I don't know who they are, but maybe my memories come back to me when I experience something that happened to me before."

Lucy smiled excitedly. "That's a good idea, Miyuki-Chan! Maybe when Haru-Kun comes, you can get your memories back!"

"Yeah." Miyuki nodded as she stuffed her mouth with eggs. Flushed with a new confidence, she declared that she would get her memories back.

Loud thumps! sounded as Azazel walked downstairs. "Ohayo." He said plainly. "Ohayo, Azazel-San." Miyuki waved. Lucy grinned. "Ohayo, sleepy head. You should really check your hair before you come down here, you know."

Azazel looked up, only to see that his hair was a mess. His hair stood up at odd angles and other parts seemed to curl at the ends. Azazel ran up the stairs in a flash screaming.

Miyuki looked at Lucy. "Well, he can eat later." Lucy said dismissively.


Later, after Azazel and Star ate, the quartet made their way to the guild. An akward silence filled the air between the four. There was a giant fuss about what Azazel wanted to eat so Lucy had to force the eggs into his mouth and make him swallow it. The racket woke Star, and after that total chaos happened.

Tension filled the spaces that were left unfilled. After fifteen minutes or so, they reached the giant wooden doors of Fairy Tail.

Pushing the creeking doors open, the four mages walked into the guild and sat down at their normal wooden bench. "Ohayo, Mira!" Lucy greeted when Mira welcomed them to the guild. "Can I have a strawberry parfait?"

"I'll take some scones then." Azazel said indifferently.

"Then, may I have a fruit smoothie?" Miyuki asked politely.

"Okay. Do you want anything, Star?" Mira smiled.

"Nah, I'm okay." Star waved her hand dismissively.

"I'll be back soon then." Mira walked off behind the bar.

The group of four started to discuss bout what they should do. They looked at Lucy expectantly. Azazel, Miyuki, and Star had never been in a guild before, so they would have to rely on Lucy as their leader and friend. 

"If there's something we should do first, it would be to go on a job. How about we go to the job board after we're done talking?" Lucy suggested. She heard no sounds of complaints.

"Yosh. Then, onto the second thing, is there anything anybody needs to do before we go?" Nobody raised their hand. "Okay. This talk is done."

They waited for another few minutes until Mira came back. "A strawberry parfait for Lucy, scones for Azazel, and a fruit smoothie for Miyuki-Chan." She set the two glasses down and a plate with scones.

"Thanks, Mira!" Lucy thanked with a smile.

"So, I'm off. Call me if you need anything, minna." She walked off to attend to her other jobs.

"So, should we go choose now?" Azazel asked.

Lucy stood up. "Yeah. Let's-" She was cut off by somebody yelling.

"Lucy Heartfilia..." The voice hissed. Lucy moved her hands into an offensive position. "Who's there!?"

A woman with withered lips and pale skin walked into the guild. "I've found you, Lucy Heartfilia. Master Zeref will be pleased." She held and unconcious young boy. The boy had a few bleeding scrapes on his face.

"Haru-Kun!" Miyuki yelled. "You can't hurt Haru-Kun! Ice Make: Death Scythe!" Miyuki charged at the woman, a bright blue light in her hands. "Let go of Haru-Kun!" She screamed.

"Earth Make: Death Scythe!" The withered woman screeched. In her hand appeared the same weapon as Miyuki's except in earth. Miyuki gasped as she was sent flying backwards into the bar wall.

 "Miyuki-Chan!" The guild members screamed. The woman cackled as she advanced to Lucy. "Now, Lucy Heartfilia, come with me to Lord Zeref."

A dark aura surrounded Lucy. "Never! I will never join him! You hurt my nakama and that's what will happen to your Lord!" Tears fell out of Lucy's eyes as she grit her teeth.

"Tell him this: Even if you asked a millions times, I will never join you! I have my home, my nakama, and my family here! If you ask me for the third time, I will track you down and annihilate you! Leave my sight before you turn into rubble!"

"Master Zeref has ordered me to retreive you, Lucy Heartfilia," The woman hissed. She lunged at Lucy, aiming for her face. "Lucy, watch out!" Azazel yelled.

"Dragon Force: Celestial Dragon Celestia!" Lucy chanted. A blinding light surrounded Lucy, making the old woman scream. A magic circle formed on the planks.

Golden magical particals swirled around the magic circle. "I summon thee, the keeper of the Heavens, Celestia The Celestial Dragon!"

A loud Ding-Dong! sounded as a golden scaled being flew out of the circle.

"A Dragon..." The guild members whispered in awe.

"You have gone to far this time, Zeref!" Lucy screamed at the hissing woman. Tears were flowing out freely.

"Survey the Heavens, Open the Heavens..." 

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