Chapter 37: A Cure For Miyuki-Chan!

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"But..." Porlyusica's voice quivered, "The little girl will die soon."

Lucy stood up abruptly, nearly smaking Azazel in the face and making Star fall off her shoulder. "No way! Why!?" She demanded, pointing at Porlyusica. The rest of the guild followed suit, begging to know the details of Miyuki's condition.

In the past few days that Miyuki had been there, they'd grown fond of the young girl. Kind, polite, and admirable, miyuki showed the guild that she had the strength to find out her past, but at the same time, had the heart to care for her nakama.

"Well, you see..." Porlyusica explained why Miyuki was going to die. She said that on the side of her stomach, there were large purple markings. The color of poison. If they couldn't get the poison out in time, she would die a painful death.

"Then can't we use Grandine's magic to heal her!?" Lucy walked over to Porlyusica, nagging until she got her unfortunate answer. A slow shake of the head 'No'.

Lucy thought back, to the battle. The serpent, one of Zeref's creations, did attack her, just once. When she wasn't able to stop her. "It's my fault!" Lucy grit her teeth. Miyuki was right in front of her, yet she didn't do anything to stop her from being hurt.

The guild looked at Lucy, softening at the tears and sadness in her eyes. Several stepped up and tried o console Lucy, blaming the accident on themself, for letting the serpent in. "If only..." One of them said, "If only I had fought, Miyuki-Chan wouldn't be dying!"

But Lucy wouldn't listen to them. They were new faces, ones that she had never seen before until she came back to the guild. How would they know!? Lucy thought. If they were her kohai, and she, their senpai. Even if she was younger then them, she had been at the guild longer.

"No, it's my fault!" She cried, thinking back to the times where she had been in Miyuki's place. Instead of poison, she was abducted, abused, almost died, and endured all of it. But in her case, their had been someone to stop her, or save her if it came to it. But the only hope Miyuki had was her. And she had failed.

Azazel walked up to her, Star trailing behind. "Ne, Lucy, it's not your fault, you know." Star said soothingly. "How would you have known that their was poison on that Serpent's claws?"

Lucy shook her head in denial. "I could've stopped her! I could've saved her if I had looked earlier! I had everything I needed to help her, yet I did nothing!"

Fusterated and pained, Star couln't bear to watch her. She raised her palm in front of Lucy's face and let it fall. A smack! sound echoed across the guild as Star slapped Lucy's face; She could feel the sharp pain that flashed in her face. Lucy held her cheek in shock.

Tears fell out of Star's eyes. "How would you have known!? If you're going to act like this, you aren't my master! My Lucy is a strong woman, capable of enduring countless hours of training, abuse, and has a kind heart! She doesn't shrivel up at things like her nakama dying! Lucy lost both of her parents at a young age, when she couldn't do anything! But today, she could do something! Instead of crying like a baby, she would go through endless tasks to find a way to help her nakama! That's the Lucy I know!"

The guild looked at Lucy, whose tears had long stopped while Star spoke. Her voice shivered as she spoke. "I..." She looked up to face Star. "I... I'm sorry, Star!" She stood up to her full hight, proud to be a member of Fairy Tail.

She spoke up to the guild. "I'm sorry, minna! Star's right! I shouldn't be crying over this! I'll find a way to help Miyuki-Chan! I swear on the Heartfilia name and Fairy Tail! Why? Because I'm a Fairy Tail Wizard!"

She wiped away her dry tears, making sure that there was no trace of water on her face. She turned to Porlyusica. "Porlyusica-San, is there anyway to save Miyuki-Chan!? If there is, please tell me!" Lucy begged.

Porlyusica hesitated. "There is one way. There is an ancient ritual where somebody may switch bodies with one who is dying. The one switching has to go on a long journey to find the temple of the oracle, where they must pass a series of tests that create a divine being in those who are up for the challenge."

"Do you know where the temple is?" Lucy asked.

"I've heard rumors that it's in the deepest parts of Boundary Forest."

Lucy nodded grimly, pressing Porlyusica to continue. "Then?"

"...The tests are different for everyone, rooting out one's darkest fears. Some have driven others to madness. The divine being is the challenger's heart, showing every single aspect of them. When one reaches the end it is said that they will see the 'The One Magic', giving them incredible ablities of a god, but nobody has ever actually reached the end."

Lucy stared at Porlyusica, the fear of losing Miyuki keeping a strong grip in her mind. She called out to Azazel and Star. "Yosh! Azazel, Star! We have to go. Now!" She nodded at both of them, a serious look on their faces.

As they attempted to quickly make their way through the crowd, several voices called them to wait. "Wait, Lucy! We're coming too!" The trio looked back to see a group of the strongest mages in Fairy Tail.

Erza, Gray, Wendy, Carla, Laxus, Gajeel, Panther Lily, Lisanna, Happy, and finally, Natsu. They were all standing besides her in rows, as if they were about to take a picture.

"Minna!" Lucy cried, a large smile breaking out from her mouth. She just couldn't contain her happiness. "Arigatou, minna!"

She looked past them at the familiar faces. Levy, Juvia, Freed, Bickslow, Evergreen, Mira, Elfman, Romeo, and Cana. They grinned back at her, as if saying, "Don't worry! We got Miyuki-Chan's back! As long as we're here, she'll be here!"

A tear dropped out of Lucy's eye as she gave a grateful smile that danced on her lips. "Yosh! Let's go, minna!"

She forced open the guild doors, determined to find the Oracle's temple.


The large party was teleported outside of Boundary Forest. They would have to search manually, since the didn't know exactly where the temple would be.

"Minna! Should we split up into groups?" Erza suggested. She had always been the type to boss others around.

Nobody said anything so she took that as a 'Yes.' and moved people together.

"Gajeel and Wendy, with Carla and Panther Lily. Lisanna and Natsu, with Happy. Lucy with Azazel, Gray and Star. That is all." Erza declared.

"Chotto Matte, who are you going with, Erza?" Lucy asked.

Erza looked indifferent. "I'll go alone."

Nobody complained, only Lucy, who was grumbling about how she should have at least one other person with her.

They split up, Gajeel and Wendy going West, Lisanna and Natsu going East, and Lucy, Azazel, and Gray going North. Erza said she would trail behind the three until she decided that she should leave the group.

"Minna, mission start!" Lucy declared as they ran into the overgrown weeds of Boundary Forest.


Author's Note:

Yay!!! I made two chapters in one day~ I have the next two chapters planned but it's like, 6 O' clock right now. I'll probably write them tomorrow. I didn't write them, but I have them planned out, so get ready for something dramatic in Boundary Forest (From the Fairy Tail Movie: Priestess of The Phoenix)! And do you guys think that Lucy and the gang will be able to find the temple? Stay tuned for the next update!

And as always, thanks for reading~!

~AquaStar2013~ <3

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