Chapter 1: Sophie

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This was written before Nightfall and the 2nd book to the Apollo Series

"Gotcha!" I screamed as I grabbed Keefe and Marella's shoulders.

"No fair! You can track our thoughts!" Marella laughed as she twirled her dirty blonde hair, her smile was infectious.

"Well since when is anything with Foster fair?..." Keefe said making a pretty solid point. Marella rolled her eyes in a playful way and nodded in agreement. Keefe's perfectly styled hair glistened in the sunlight just as it was dipping under the hills.

"Maybe we should just play base quest without Sophie next time." Biana said appearing behind Keefe. Biana's dark brown hair swishing behind her as she walked to my side.

"Kids! Dinner!" Della interrupted.

"Ugh, parents ruin all the fun..." Fitz said disappointed, as he ran up to my side with Tam, Dex and Linh.

We all turned and marched up to the towering castle of Everglen.


When we entered the dinning room I was overwhelmed by the bright fluorescent walls of jewels, I sat down in a chair and Fitz sat to my right, Dex on my left and Tam on the other side of Dex, Biana sat across from me and Keefe across from Fitz while Marella across from Dex and Linh across from Tam.

"So we all agree Sophie should just be a ref right?" Marella said laughing in between bites of riplepuffs.

"Well I can just not use my ability, if that solves it." I said as I grabbed a stack of mallowmelt, even though I suck without them.

"But that ruins all the fun!" Fitz said as he slid his hand into mine, I could feel myself blush and Biana must've noticed too because she gave me a tight smile.

(A/N: Fitz is bold and Sophie is Italics, Mr.Forkle is underlined)

You okay? Fitz kept eating but was only looking at me in the corner of his eye.

What? Yeah I'm fine... He must've noticed my uneasiness, Yeah I'm just worried about Alvar... I know you still don't trust him but-

"Hey guys"  Keefe said waving his arms in front of us, "what did I say about secret conversations? I guess I'm just going to assume you guys are flirting!" I blushed a deep red at this and I couldn't bring myself to see Fitz's reaction.

Everyone was still laughing when the gnomes started to clear the table. I was about to start another conversation when I heard: Sophie! Sophie! Can you hear me? I stood straight up and everyone went silent.

"Sophie is everything alright?" Fitz asked, I looked at him and he had concern painted all over his face. He switched to transmitting Sophie... He held his hands out like he was trying to calm a dog down. I realized everyone was looking at  me now so all I said was "Forkle." But that seemed to be enough cause everyone stared shooting questions at me and the only thing I could do was transmit back.

Yeah, yeah I can here hear you, you have been quite for so long! I- we have so many questions!

Yes I know, your guys frustration, you kids need to learn how to be patient.

Well why are you contraction me? And why aren't you here in person to talk?

Guys what is going on?


Anyway bring everyone and meet at Calla's tree. Come fast this is important.

"SOPHIE!" Tam yelled, I was so surprised I lost connection.

"Calla. Forkle. Now." Was all I said I was so surprised that Mr. Forkle was contacting us after FOUR FRICKEN MONTHS.

We all ran up to the leapmaster Fitz yelled "Havenfield!" When we all appeared I say Grady and Edaline sitting at the table on the front porch and seemed to know what was going on, Grady gave a slight nod and we booked it to Calla's tree.

When we got there we saw the whole collective and Physic. "Well it's great you kids decided to join us you guys are going on a mission.

"A mission?" Dex said slightly confused, cause we never get missions anymore as a group.

"Yes, a mission Mr. Dizznee, it seems the Neverseen have kidnapped two teenaged girls."

"Really now the Neverseen are kidnaping teenage girls, what did the Mysterious Ms. F not satisfy them?" Keefe said as a joke but I shot him a death glare and he looked at his shoes.

"Who are the girls?" Biana asked.

"I think their names were Annabeth Chase and Piper McLean." Tiergan said.

"Well where do we start?" I asked.

"New York City." Mr. Forkle said with dread.

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