Chapter 18: Sophie

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Sophie's POV

Voices rush into my head, screaming. I slowly open my eyes to a blinding light. Hazy figures enter my line of sight. 

I notice Fitz above me, stroking my hair with that usual crease between his brows telling me he's concentrating on something. He looks down at me when he notices my movement. He reaches down to help me sit up and lean against him. 

The room got quiet with my awakening, all eyes drew to me. 

"You're awake!" Biana rushes over to me and pulls me into a hug.

I slowly stand up. Everybody is here, everyone except the people who've been helping us. "Where's that group?" 

Frank speaks up, "We thought it was best to leave them be, they could've gotten hurt and we don't want anymore people hurting if we can prevent it." 

I nod in agreement, then I finally notice my surroundings, we're not at the house the man let us stay in, "Where are we?" 

I look out a window to see cherry blossom trees, we seem to be in a park. Lush green grass underneath us, Leo seems to have set up a temporary living space, a few beds and a small kitchen area is set up, and when I say beds I just mean a few blankets on the ground but it works. 

I see couples walking down a stone path through the park enjoying the sun, it makes me feel like we're almost not in the middle of solving a kidnapping of not only two but now four of our friends. Keefe and Linh are strong, I know that for sure, and from what Percy and Jason have described, Annabeth and Piper seem to be strong fighters too.

"We have an obscurer, so don't worry about people freaking out over a group of teens in the middle of a park acting like they live there," Dex said.

I nod, "So," I pause, "now what?" I look around at the group.

Dex smiles, "Well, the Neverseen either are wanting us to find them or they've gotten dumber. We know exactly where they're keeping them!" My eyes widen at his statement, the others don't have a reaction, I believe Dex must've already explained to everyone what he's about to tell me. 

"Remember when you and I had out... incident." Flashbacks of our kidnapping rush through my brain, I slowly nod. Fitz slides his hand into mine giving it a slight squeeze.

"Well, after that incident we added a little something to not just our clothing," he said looking at me, "but we added it to all of our clothing. Including, our human attire." Dex said like he'd cracked a case to an unsolved murder that has been a mystery for decades, and in a way he did. His dimples popped out on his face, looking proud of his revelation.

My eyes widened, "You're saying theres a tracker in Keefe and Linh's clothes?" 

He nodded aggressively.

Leo finally stepping into the conversation, "And while you were having your little nap, we reached out to your parents and more importantly we got in contact with that wrinkly dude, and we have the device to find them."

"That's great! Let's go get them now!" I happily jump starting to walk then realizing I have no idea where I'm going. "Where are they exactly?"

Everyone looked now, Percy stepped forward, "Yeah, they're not in South Korea..." 

"What? How is that possible, it said they were here?" I responded confused.

Nico surprisingly speaks up, "The Neverseen had their hide out here, but it's not where their keeping Annabeth, Piper, Linh and Keefe." 

I looked down, "I'm sorry."

Hazel comes and hugs me, "Why on earth are you sorry, you had nothing to do with this." She may be young but she's very nice. I shrug and smile.

"Well then, where are they now?"


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