Chapter 5: Percy

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A/N: Hey guys! Oh my god you guys got me 150 reads?! I know that seems like not a lot compared to other stories but I didn't even think I was gonna get 20 so THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH  Also can you decipher the language the elves are speaking? 

As I entered my moms candy shop we bumped into these two kids, they were wearing really weird clothes, they are probably in some sort of show or movie, they seem around Hazel's  age, the girl has dirty blonde hair and brown eyes that have gold flecks in them, she was also hot, don't get me wrong I love Annabeth but this girl could be a model or in movies, same thing goes for the boy, he had bright periwinkle eyes full of joy, strawberry blonde hair and freckles, they gave us smiles and the girl grabbed the boys hand and dragged him out of the shop.

I can see Leo was trying to make a move on her, but he got rejected so he went towards browsing the isles.

"Percy!" I look up to see my mom, she is walking towards me with arms wide open waiting for a hug. I embrace her, I bet I look pretty worried because once we pull away she immediately asks, "Is everything okay?" Her brow has a crease of concern, she finally notices Hazel, Frank, Jason, Nico and Leo behind me, she must realize how important this is, we wouldn't bring everyone here unless it is important; this many powerful demigods in one area is like putting up a billboard saying: HEY! DEMIGODS IN CANDY SHOP! COME AND GET EM'! 100% OFF! NO PAYMENT NEEDED!

Then she breaks me, "Where are Annabeth and Piper?" My mom asks, I can feel my eyes start to water and I can hear Hazel start to sob behind me, I can see Jason trying to stay strong as he struggles to hold his tears back.

"That's why we're here... They got kidnapped..." Frank said after about a minute of awkward silence. I turn to see my moms reaction, but she didn't have one, well she did, she just stood there frozen, stunned.

"Well what can I do to help?" My mom asks, I always loved her confidence, she makes everything seem like it's gonna be alright, even though it's not, I have a feeling this is bigger than we think, like who can kidnap Piper and Annabeth?

"Well you're not exactly ready to fight mom..." I point to her stomach, she is like seven or eight months pregnant, I don't really keep count I just know she can't fight like that.

"OH MY GODS!!! YOU HAVE SKITTLES?!!!!" I turn around to see Leo in his own world, I roll my eyes.

But then I actually heard someone scream like a 'Oh crap I'm gonna die' type of scream. I turn my attention to the front windows to see people running from something, I mean like running like their life depends on it.

Nico runs out the door and glances in the direction everybody is running from, I see his eyes widen. I know it's serious because Nico doesn't get shaken up very often, without even glancing at us Nico pulls out his sword and charges to the place everyone is trying to avoid, I immediately follow and I can feel Hazel, Leo, Frank and Jason right on my heels.

I pull Riptide out, I soon realize that the direction we're running in is a park, I'm pushing past crowds of people it's like swimming upstream in a river full of salmon.

When we finally get a view of what is going on I see what is happening, there is a full on battle  going on, there are three people in dark cloaks with weird eye symbols on their arms fighting... the kids we saw in the store? They weren't alone though there were about six or were there five? I swear one of them disappears then comes back, my eyes are probably playing tricks on me.

I hear the sound of arguing, the kids are yelling at the cloaked people in a language I can't understand, then all of the sudden a girl that looks a little older moves her hands and the water from the park fountain explodes and blasts the cloaked people in the face,  my eyes widen, 'another child of Poseidon?!' was my first thought then one of the cloaked guys raise his hand and orbs of... was that electricity? I can't tell but whatever it is it must be bad because the guy starts throwing the orbs at the other people, they dodge them as best they can, but then one big orb of electricity forms around them.

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