Chapter 9: Dex

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A/N: Takes place when Leo takes Dex and Marella to their cabin. Also should I have Dex and Marella be together or Dex and Biana? Please comment! Okay here you go!! -C.P.

"Yes I can Leo you take Marella and Dex to the cabin and do your best to explain things." Leo nods and walks off with Marella and I following right behind him.

"So do you guys have any questions?" Leo asks. DO I HAVE ANY QUESTIONS????!!!! OF COURSE I HAVE MANY QUESTIONS STARTING WITH-, "Of course you guys have questions, who wouldn't? Well my name is Leo, you already know that, but you may also know me as LMHSBBS." Marella and I look at him like he has grown a new head, did he loose a bolt or something? He see's our looks and looks hurt, sarcastically of course, then he says with wide grin on his face, "Leo McShizzle Hot-stuff Bad Boy Supreme." he points his thumps to himself, just as we pass the Aphrodite cabin and I can see Biana getting along swell with the rest of her cabin mates.

She catches me staring and waves to me and Marella, we wave back. I don't know what it is... every time I look at her my stomach gets butterflies, it's what I used to get every time I looked at Sophie.... but ever since our kiss... well things have become a little awkward, and I don't think I like her anymore. Huh, I've never thought that before...

Then I see people snapping their thumbs in front of my face, I blink my eyes a few times and Leo says, "Oh thank gods, is it like an elf thing to black out for five minutes?" He looked at us and I realized he was being serious. Marella slapped his arm and we continued walking to the cabin.

I noticed all the cabins had a different look to them like one had seashells all over it, there were two at the front that were huge, one looked like it was built for a suicidal military/army camp cabin, there were a ton others, like one was made out of pure gold and seemed to attract all the light to it while the one across from it seemed to be the opposite, we were headed towards a cabin that looked like it was the coolest cabin in the whole camp! It had awesome machinery attached and it looked like technology that wouldn't even be invented till the 22nd century, Leo walks up to it and inputs a very complicated combination of numbers and weird yellow faces into it(how they were able to put yellow faces into a padlock, I have no idea, but I bet I could figure it out). 

"Here we are! The FAMOUS CABIN NINE!" He said it in an announcer voice as he pushed open the door, I was greeted with the stench of grease and burning metal, I was used to that scent by now but Marella seemed to gag at it. We walked in and the place was bigger than I thought, there was tiny crafting space, Leo guided us to the back where there we these small beds that would barely fit a person, it was like 1/5 the size of my bed back at my house! I could live with it, I finally noticed all the people gathered around the bunk area, they immediately stopped at the sight of us, I noticed that they had blueprints hung everywhere, you know how some people put posters up of celebrities they like and stuff, well they had the same idea-except with blueprints of their favorite prototypes and stuff.

"Everyone!" Leo said in a loud voice audible enough for everyone to hear, "I'm pleased to announce our new cabin mates, Marella and Dex!" He motioned his hands to us like we were a brand new car that he was showing off to the audience of his late night game show.

Marella shyly waved to the group of demigods, I managed a small grin and a slight wave of my hand that i'd hardly call a wave. 

The people rushed over and shook their hands with ours, after everyone was done introducing themselves (I didn't catch like any of their names) Leo looked around and his smile vanished, he broke the awkward silence by saying, "It seems like we run out of bunks... here come with me. 

Leo turned around on his heal and was smiling impishly(is that a word?) as he walked down the hall to a door and opened it, he entered, we followed closely behind, there were a few rusted bunks, if we had to sleep in those I was gonna drag Sophie from her cabin and make her teleport me and probably Marella to Everglen. But before I could complain Leo pushed a button on his watch and a bed popped up from the floor, it was a circle and almost the same size as my bed back at home, Leo sat on it and motioned for us to join him, Marella hesitated at first and then gave in and took a seat next to Leo, I followed her not really having anywhere else to go.

Then the bed started spinning slowly down, when it finally stopped we were in a huge room with old fashioned arcade games lining the walls with a bathroom and a big work area, Marella and I gaped at the room, no way this was in here and his roommates upstairs didn't know about it, he saw us gawking and said, "Well this is where I sleep, it used to be the old head councillors room, but he died... so yeah..." He looked sad, then led us to the work area where a door resided, and when he opened it there were four beds the same size of his, maybe this won't be so bad after all.

A/N: OH MY GODS!!!! I'm like actually sorry, I know a lot of people say sorry for not updating but I actually am, and I know it's not a long chapter but I've been really busy... anyway 465 views?!!! That is insane, THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO IS READING THIS! I appreciate it a lot! Till next time! Chao!


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