Chapter 12: Percy & Sophie

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Percy's POV

With a lot of arguing and disagreements the demigods and gods finally understood the reason why the Elves just now appeared... well I honestly thought everyone knew the whole time but apparently not... they came to help rescue Piper and Annabeth.

I was rushed out of my thoughts as Rachel came running through the doors. "I know where they are!" All heads turned to her, by now all the gods have left - well everyone except Apollo.

All of us were staring at her expectantly, "I saw them in Oregon." All of us looked at her in confusion... I mean why Oregon? I mean I've been to Portland before, it was nice - I bet Frank and Hazel would agree. But of all the places in the world they go to Oregon.

"Well now what?" I ask.

Grover comes up, "We could go to Oregon?..." all of us nod our heads hesitantly, I interrupt, "But what about Annabeth and Piper?" Everyone lowers their heads.

Jason steps up, "But we can't find them without the elves! Especially if elves are the ones that took them."

Chiron finally says something about after a minute of silence, "We should have a group of demigods travel to Oregon and try and find them."

"But without a professy they cannot go." Rachel interjects Chiron.

"We don't have time for professies Rachel this needs to be done now." He says calmly, he continues, "We will send: Percy, Hazel, Nico, Frank and Leo, now-" 

Hazel cuts him off,  "Uh guys, speaking of Leo... where is he exactly?" We look around the room and he's gone...

Sophie's POV:

After Leo finally explained how and why he followed us to Oregon - well he didn't exactly know where he was going he just saw us all grabbing onto each other and he thought that everyone was supposed to so he grabbed onto Biana and 'shakalaka here I am' - as he put it.

"How can you help us?" Alden asked Leo after everything has been cleared up.

"WEEELL, I have my tool belt and I could probably build something close to what you guys need with Dex's and Marella's help also-" he was about to continue but Mr.Forkle cut him off.

"As much as I love your encouragement to help Mr. Valdez, I'm afraid the technology we need to build something close to what we are looking for you do not have the type of materials that are needed. Also while you guys were gone we found a location on where Annabeth and Piper are thanks to some of the help of some... friends." Mr. Forkle says.

"You found a lead!" Dex asked. 

Mr. Forkle nodded his head, "Although I'm afraid it's a little far from where we currently are." Mr. Forkle said with a frown.

Tam decided to join the conversation, "Okay, I know this is all great and everything but we haven't eaten in a while and I'm pretty sure I speak for everyone here when I say-"

"WE NEED FOOD" Keefe cut him off which earned a glare from Tam. 

Keefe suddenly started being lifted off the ground, "Hey Bangs Boy! Put me down now!" I guess you should't mess with Tam when he's hangry... 

All of us were quietly watching the exchange while Leo just stared with his mouth agape.

"As much as I would like to see how this would end, I do agree with Tam about the whole hungry thing..." Biana says.

"I think there are some restaurants down the street, we can walk there." I say, making my way out of the pavilion.

Everyone follows behind.

As we make our way down the street Mr. Forkle suddenly says "Oh by the way they are in Korea." 


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