Chapter 11: Sophie & Percy

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A/N: Okay! I don't know what happened but being the smart person I am I accidentally deleted half of chapter 10, so if you didn't get the full chapter I'd read that instead of this, well it's all updated now! Also I really appreciate comments and ideas! Anyway enough of my babbling! Here's the chapter! Also very sorry for the long wait... I've been having some problems... and there still might be a long wait for the next chapter so yeah.

Sophie's POV

I just finished explaining the whole elven world to all the demigods and gods, well as much as I know, I've been in their world for a while but I still don't know the ropes so Fitz and the others pitched in a few times to help.

Apparently the gods knew of the elves and the elder elves knew of the gods but they never told their people for "Reasons" - whatever that means.

Even though the gods knew of the elves they didn't know like ANY specifics, like they didn't even know of our abilities and our "immortality thing" as Dex put it.

"Come again?" Apollo said, he seemed like he hadn't even been paying attention. FYI the other gods and goddess's came Yeah after we started the meeting.

I sighed, "Elves are real!" I screamed angrily it was like the fourth time Apollo has asked that question. Apollo tore his eyes away from Dex and looked at me, "No I get that part, but ELVES ARE IMMORTAL??!!!" Everyone had to cover their ears so they're eardrums wouldn't be blown out.

Just as he finished that sentence a bright light lit up the room and there were three figures in the room, they had hoods on-not Neverseen hoods- and were facing the ground they looked up but their hoods covered their faces.

They looked around the room until their eyes landed on us-a group of elves huddled together in a corner, I know you may ask why but honestly gods are really intimidating in person, they were all at least sever feet tall... my hand was firmly in Fitz's.

The figures threw back their hoods and looked at us, my mouth dropped open and I'm pretty sure everyone else's did too, standing in front of us was none other than Alden, Mr. Forkle and Grady.

I couldn't contain my excitement I jumped up releasing Fitz's hand and ran into Grady's open arms, he was mumbling comforting things in my ears like "oh thank god you're okay." and "don't worry".

After everyone had said their hellos, Mr. Forkle finally realized who's presence we were in... he cleared his throat and Grady, Alden and all of us other elves snapped our heads up to attention, we could see the aw-struck faces of the gods, all of their mouths were hanging open, not Hermes' though... well he is the god of transportation... or whatever I don't really know... so he must be aware of these ways of traveling- in fact he was on his phone and talking to these two snakes on a metal rod so I don't even know if he even saw what happened...

Zeus finally broke the silence, "So elves...." Athena rolled her eyes at his stupidity. She cut him off, "So you elves must be very resourceful in ways the humans don't have yet." That received a lot of glares from the other demigods - well expect Leo... he was just smiling so wide I thought his face would break.

"Okay back to business," Alden kindly interrupted, "sorry to interrupt this VERY important meeting but we are gonna borrow them for a minute..." right as he said minute Mr. Forkle pulled out a blue crystal and pulled us all into the light.

Percy's POV

"Sorry to interrupt this VERY important meeting but we are gonna borrow them for a minute..." the dude next to the guy that was speaking pulled something out of his pocket and this big flash of light happened and just a millisecond later all the elves were gone like they weren't even there in the first place.

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