Chapter 10: Percy

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I tossed and turned in my sleep. I don't really get good dreams... well I suppose no demigods get any good dreams...

I was awoken suddenly with loud bangs on my cabin door. Why does this always happen to me? It's how it always starts! Someone banging on my cabin door....

I drag myself off my top bunk and slowly answer the door,  it's probably Grover and he just returned from wherever he's been the past few months.

I open the door to a face-full of angry gods and goddess yelling at me. I just rolled my eyes at them, and turned around to walk back in my cabin, I left the door open so they could let themselves in, I leaned against one of the back walls, they didn't seem to notice me for some reason-they seemed to be arguing with each other.

I clear my throat and they all turned to look at me, I finally get all the gods in the room - Athena, Hermes, Aphrodite, Hecate, Hephaestus and.... Poseidon?

The gods and goddess's are staring at me weirdly.... why? Oh!..... I'm not wearing a shirt.... Oops........ I quickly swipe a shirt off on of the bunks and slide it on.

Athena snaps back to reality, and says something like, "WHOTHEHADESARETHESEKIDSINOURCABINS?!!!!!" I give her look that says something like, 'Did you just grow a third eye?' She takes a deep breath and before she can continue Aphrodite cuts her off, "I think what Athena means to say is: WHO THE HADES ARE THESE RANDOM CHILDREN IN OUR CABINS?!" Well oops....... I guess I hadn't really considered the gods getting ticked off about children that weren't theirs in their cabins.

I swear Annabeth gave me a lesson about how gods got offended by that... Annabeth, I have to find her and Piper soon. I'm driving myself crazy. Is this how Annabeth felt when I disappeared for eight months? Wow, I feel bad now.

Oh! A goddess just asked me a question, I mumble something out, "Yup." That was smart. Hecate rolls her eyes at me and mumbled something like "You're useless."

Athena gets back up in my face, "Who are these kids sleeping in our cabins?!" I push myself off the wall I was leaning on and respond with, "I couldn't explain that to you even if I wanted to..." I push past the gods and goddess's, "I can get them if you want." I start walking to my cabin door, I hear my dad call, "that would be great son."

I was about to open the door when A voice called out, "Percy!" I turn around to find Hecate walking towards me in a rushed manner. "There are harpies out there." She waved her hand around me and then said, "Okay they won't be able to see or hear you." I gave her a thankful smile and was about to open the door when I thought, if I have to go to the Hephaestus and Athena and Hermès cabin also Hecate... there's probably going to be some traps.....

"Hephaestus?" I turn around and ask, he lifts his head up and turns towards me, "Percy." He sorta asks. "Um, can you come with?" I ask hopefully, he gives me a smirk and makes his way over to me. When he's standing next to me I open the door and motion for him to go first.

He gives me a smile and walks through the cabin door. I follow him out and shut the gods and goddess's in my cabin. I follow Hephaestus, he seems to be going to his own cabin; Dex and Marella, he must be going for them.

"So why do you want me along." He asks when I finally catch up to him. I look up at him; he's like a foot taller than me... "Well I assume that nobody in your cabin will just let anybody walk in..." I mumble partially to myself. He responds with a low chuckle that sounds more like a grunt.

"That is true." He says with a wide grin on his face. Though I notice it quickly fades as his eyes seem to lock onto something; I was about to look where he was but when I notice his eyes are showing more annoyance than shock, well not shock, just.... acknowledgement, yeah acknowledgement.

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