Chapter 7: Percy

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A/N:  This point of view is from before they jumped off the cliffs at Havenfield.

We appear at a huge house! Another mansion! Man every elf is loaded!! After I take in my surroundings I notice Sophie start sprinting towards a cliff, why? I do not know.

Once all of us catch up to her we all just stand around. Doing. Nothing. Then out of nowhere the guy from earlier appears and says "Now your mission is to find these teenagers and return them safely, and try and figure out what the Neverseen want them for, they wouldn't kidnap them without a purpose." With that he vanishes again in a flash of light. With that Sophie and the rest of her friends start grabbing hands and Biana holds out her hand to me, I take and hold mine out to Jason and the rest follow suit. Then before I know it we are diving head first off the cliff.

I think I heard Biana scream, wait. Maybe that was me. I look at Sophie's friends and they have no reaction like they do this all the time. Meanwhile my friends, Nico, Jason, Leo, Hazel, and Frank are screaming their heads off. Like me... it's really sad honestly, I have done so much and so have they and we can't even handle a cliff. Even Jason, and he can fly!

Then I hear a clap of thunder and a crack opens in the sky and we all fly through, if this is Sophie's idea of 'Teleporting' that's just sad. I would of perfected shadow travel for sure. What I didn't realize was the fact that we were at the amphitheater at Camp Half-Blood. I can see they were mid song and the fire was bright orange with a towering height. But Chiron finally noticed us, he smiled so wide, I can imagine we were gone longer than expected. He then shushes the camp and yells "Well it looks like Percy Jackson has brought us some friends!" He smiles and starts laughing while all the campers are just shocked. I can imagine what my expression would look like if a group of teenagers fell out of a portal in the middle of campfire.

I noticed Sophie, Fitz, Dex, Tam, Linh, Keefe, Marella, Leo and Nico had already gotten up and shaken themselves off meanwhile the rest of us are still on the ground.

Once I got up I noticed the Aphrodite cabin gawking at Fitz, Dex, Tam and Keefe. I looked over to them and they looked uncomfortable with all the attention.

Fitz grabbed Sophie's hand and pulled her close to him and I noticed a lot of Aphrodite kids frown at this, girls and boys....

"Percy would you like to introduce me to your friends?" Chiron asked smiling down to them and I, though the smile looked kind of forced- I wonder why. Why did he always have to ask me? Jason or Hazel could do a way better job than me. "Uh, sure?" Wow what a great answer, I said it more like a question than a statement, I heard someone scoff from the crowd, I looked up to see who did it and I locked eyes with Clarisse.

I cleared my throat and said, "Hey everyone!" 'Hey everyone'? What the heck is that? "Um during our investigation to try and find Annabeth and Piper-" Before I could continue the whole camp erupted into chaos, I looked at Chiron for an answer, he cantered over and whispered, "they didn't know they were missing." I give him my best 'sorry' look and try to continue but everyone was way louder and I couldn't talk over them.

Just then I got a weird feeling and I heard Fitz and Sophie yell SHUT UP!!! even though their mouths didn't move and had no look like they just yelled. Everyone seemed to hear it though. Oh wait they're telepaths... wow I'm smart.

"Well anyway we ran into them and they brought us to a pla-" just then Sophie clapped her hand over my mouth and transmitted to me, I think that's what they called it: transmitting, anyway, she said don't tell them what we are. I was a little surprised but tried to cover my story, "They were attacked by monsters and so our group hid out for a while and now here we are!" I didn't really know how to explain the whole teleporting thing... I just hope they don't question it. "But they are all already claimed!" I hope that will answer the fact that they all look well over thirteen. I'm trying to think what cabin everyone will be in. I think Tam knew what I was thinking and he shadow spoke to me, "Don't you dare separate Linh and I." That guy gave me the creeps.

I finally came up with a solution, I would separate them by their abilities but I'll put Linh and Tam in the Hecate cabin or the Aphrodite cabin- that would be kind of funny. I mean they are pretty good looking so I mean they won't be surprised but I don't know if Tam would enjoy it. I would have put him in the Hades cabin but that would mean Hades broke the oath and I wouldn't want to put that on Hades. Nah I don't want to put him through that. Okay I think I have it now.

"All of their parents have already claimed them!" I shout so everyone could hear me. I started with the pairs, "Fitz and Sophie are the son and daughter of Athena!" I motioned to them. I put them there because if their telepath ability with the mind and Athena is supposed to be smart, right? I continued, "Dex and Marella are the son and daughter of Hephaestus!" Everyone seemed taken aback by this, I mean no offense to Hephaestus but he isn't the best looking guy out there and well let's just say his sons and daughters don't fall far from the tree, but they don't seem to care. But Marella and Dex look like supermodels. I motioned towards them. I continued, "Tam and Linh are the son and daughter of Hecate!" It was the best I could deal with. I motioned to them and continued, I motioned to Keefe and said "And Keefe is the son of Hermes." From everything I've heard about Keefe he sounds like a trickster and I think he'll fit just fine in the Hermes cabin. Now Biana, I didn't really think about her, "Biana!" I pointed to her, "is a daughter of Aphrodite!" I mean it made sense, but I don't know how to explain the whole Fitz and her looking A LOT alike and having different godly parents, I could just say they have the same mortal parent.

After all the elves found their cabin mates the camp went back to their cabins for the night. Before I could leave I heard Chiron walk past me and whisper in a sort of strict tone which I wasn't used to hearing.

"Tomorrow morning, big house, 8am, you are going to tell me where you found a group of elves." He hissed at me and trotted off.

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