Chapter 16: Sophie

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After about 20 or so minutes of walking we finally turn a corner to come face to face with a huge house, I wouldn't call it a mansion but dang... it's super modern looking and very fancy.

"Holy Hades dude, are you loaded or what," Leo comments from behind.

The man turns his head back and looks at me confused but I just wave him off. 

We approach the front steps of the property and he opens the door to a very tidy and neat living room that contains  a huge flatscreen TV and a huge comfy couch. Theres a kitchen across the way and a huge staircase that leads to the upstairs.

The man turns to me, "I have about 4 or 5 bedrooms in total, three of them have two pairs of bunkbeds so I think it'll be enough to fit everyone", his eyes scan over us - everyone scattered around and exploring the new living space. "Please, get comfortable, I will be back soon," He gives a slight bow and proceeds to the front door to leave.

"Wait, dude, isn't this your house?" Keefe asks. I translate to the man.

"Oh, well, this is my personal house but I usually live in a different house with my friends", after I translate he leaves the house with a few goodbyes around the house.


After the man left we all went around and chose bunks to stay in, all of us had our own beds which is convenient. 

It's about 7 in the morning now. Yes, it did take an hour for everyone to decide on who got which rooms, I don't even remember where everyone is but all I can remember is that Dex called the room with the Wii and PS4.

None of us were tired, I went to the kitchen to find Marella cooking some pancakes, "How do you know what pancakes are and how do you know how to make them?"

Marella looks up from the stove, "Oh, the box thing was still on and it had a cooking show with a recipe, I just copied it and that guy had all the ingredients so here I am," she turns her attention back to the pan and flips two pancakes with the spatula.

"You can tell everyone that these will be done in about 5 minutes", while pouring more pancake mix into the pan, "do you know when that guy will be back?"

I shrug.

Breakfast will be ready in 5, everyone come to the dining room

I hear many pairs of footsteps coming down the stairs and I look behind me to see Dex poking his head into the doorway, "you need any help Marella? Smells delicious by the way".

I flinch as Leo's loud voice comes from behind me, "DANG, that's a lot of pancakes! I know theres a lot of us but thats at least 100, how are we all going to finish that?!"

Marella rolls her eyes, "Just set the table will ya?"

Leo walks off and gets the rest of the boys to help.

Percy and Frank are setting napkins while Hazel, Jason and Leo are going around the house looking for extra tables and chairs. 

I hear multiple footsteps coming from the back of the house. I suddenly hear Frank yell to Fitz about getting some plates and silverware.

Fitz enters the kitchen not much later, opens the cabinets needed and uses telekinesis to guide the load of plates and silverware to the dining room.

Marella and I begin putting the food into dishes until we freeze when we hear a loud crash in the dining room.

Dex, Marella and I run into the dining room, panic evident on our faces.

Marella sets fire to her hands and stands next to Dex who has a few knives floating around him pointing at the intruder.

I see a tiger in the middle of the room growling, I take a defensive stance next to Fitz.

That is until I see the position we are actually in.

I glance up to see the man who helped us with six other men standing shocked and scared in the entrance of the dining room.

Can this get any worse.

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