Chapter 8: Sophie

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A/N: Oh my gods! I'm sooooooo sorry for having you guys wait!!! It's been more than a week and that is torture! I know how you feel because I'm reading a story on whattpad and they haven't updated in the same amount of time as me!!! Again soooo sorry enjoy the chapter!

Once we finished with the awkward introductions Fitz and I walked out of the huge pavilion. I saw Biana and waved her over. "Hey! Isn't this place awesome, their clothes are a little, ehhh, but I can live." Oh no, our clothes, I look down and see that I'm wearing the elven clothes, this has happened twice now!

After a while of talking (like 2 minutes) Tam, Linh, Keefe, Marella make their way over to us, then Dex comes over with Leo.

"Wasup everyone?!" Leo says as he makes his way over. We all kind of look at him like he just grew two heads. "Anyway! Do you guys know what being the whole daughters and sons of these people mean?" Leo continues getting serious, which is a first because of the length of time I've known Leo he is never serious... All of us nod our heads as a 'no'. " okay then ummm... I'm not good at explaining this... maybe Percy can-." Percy cuts him off, I didn't notice Percy was with him... huh. "Yes I can Leo you take Marella and Dex to the cabin and do your best to explain things." He nods and walks off with Marella and Dex in tow. "Okay so basically I gave you guys a godly parent. So Fitz and Sophie are Athena, Linh and Tam are Hecate, Keefe is Hermès, Biana is Aphrodite-" Biana cuts him off, "ooooh, isn't she like the goddess of love?" What? How does Biana know that? I can tell everyone has the same expression. "What? I read." She says in her defense.

"Okay well anyway, we have cabins by our godly parent, and I sorted you guys into cabins by your ability's, well except for Keefe, he would just definitely fit into the Hermès cabin. That's where all the pranksters are." Percy finishes, and Keefe pumps his fist. Okay we'll go find your cabins! Oh and Hecate is on the other said of the original cabins." With that he walks off. Well that's great. And he hurry's off, he seems kind of flustered though.

Fitz grabs my hand and gives it a comforting squeeze, the weird thing is that I'm not surprised by it, but the same butterfly's flutter in my stomach and my heart beats faster. We start walking to the cabins and I start scanning them to try to figure out which one has the most Athena-y look to it.

Are you nervous? Fitz asks.

I'm fine just a little confused. I respond not even looking up at him.

I finally see a cabin that looks like it would be Athena's, the architecture is amazing and there is an owl hanging over the door. 🦉

I walk towards it and I knock on the door, Fitz tightens his grip on my hand, then someone opens the door, he looks like Fitz's age. He looks is up and down, then says, "You must be Fitz and Sophie." We nod our heads and he says, "Okay! Well I'm Malcolm." He shakes my hand and when he reaches for Fitz he looks at my like 'what the hell?' I transmit a picture of people shaking hands and he lets go of my hand, he finally catches on and takes his hand.

Malcolm opens the door and lets us in, I look around and there are about ten other people scurrying around. When they see us they all stop what they are doing and immediately come over and introduce themselves and shake our hands rapidly, they were talking so fast I didn't catch ANY of their names. I could see most of the girls staring at Fitz. And out of instinct I grab his hand, he seems surprised by this but then relaxes. All the girls look down.
"Well I'll give you a tour and assign beds." Malcolm said and started to walk away, we followed almost immediately. This is going to be fun....

A/N: I know it's REALLY short but bear with me, I'm going to do a lot of different point of views so I'm probably gonna update later today or tomorrow. So I assume you wanted a quick short chapter instead of a long chapter and have to wait another week... so yeah. See you guys soon! Also 330 views?!!! You guys are awesome!


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