Chapter 19: Annabeth, Percy

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Annabeth POV

The pretty lady is back, yelling at the blonde disheveled boy in the cell opposite of ours. There's practically no light entering the cell, only the old broken light bulb that dangles in between the cells gives us the ability to see each other's faces. The girl that the boy is with still hasn't woken up yet, she's passed out on the floor with her head being supported by the boy's thigh.

Communicating with the boy in the other cell has proven more difficult than I thought. But he clearly doesn't have a problem communicating with the pretty lady, she comes back often to talk to the boy, but it always turns into an argument after a few words.

The thing bothering me the most out of this whole situation isn't even the fact Piper and I have been kidnapped but the fact that I can't pinpoint the language they're speaking.

Their voices raise suddenly, drawing me out of my thoughts.

"ereh uoy dnif ot gniog reven era yeht, pu evig, esu on s'ti," the pretty lady smugly says to the boy.

That's the only way I can vaguely understand what is going on, their tone of voice and body language.

From what I've gathered so far from this tactic is that pretty lady seems pretty cocky and pleased with herself, while pretty boy over there just seems annoyed, he rolls his eyes often and sometimes says snide remarks that appear to upset the lady and make her stomp out of the short muggy and damp hallway.

"hcum oot retsof etamitserednu uoy, won thgir yaw rieht no ylbaborp era yeht, gnihton wonk uoy," the boy spits back at the lady.

Whatever he said, the lady clearly doesn't like cause she storms out of the room, her long flowing cape following her.

The boy then looks up at me, "Keefe."

Keefe? I don't know what that means. He must notice my confused expression, he points to himself and says again, "Keefe."

"You're name is Keefe?" I ask him.

He nods his head and then motions to the girl sleeping on the floor next to him, "Linh."

"Her name is Linh?"

He nods and looks at me expectantly.

The boy-... or Keefe clearly already knows who we are but maybe not who is who, to clear up his confusion, I point to myself and say, "Annabeth," then point to Piper who is dosing off in the corner of the musky cell and say, "Piper."

He nods his head, then says, "tnerap ruoy si ohw?"

I just look at him in confusion.

He seems to ponder in thought for a bit before standing up, dusting himself off.

He moves his arms around his head and moves his hands like popping fireworks, he looks approve his head and shows an expression of awe.

He looks back at me, probably hoping I interpreted what his little performance means. After a second he can still tell I'm lost, he ponders in thought for a second before saying slowly, "Birth?"

That just makes me more confused.

His face soon turns annoyed. Linh, who was previously laying on his thigh is startled awake by the change in the position and lifts her head trying to figure out where she is.

She looks at Keefe and says, "Neverseen?"


I understood that.

He nods his head, then points to Piper and I.

She widens her eyes and looks to Keefe in alarm, she hurriedly says a few things I now can't understand, he seems to respond just as frantically.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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