Chapter 13: Piper, Percy & Sophie

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Piper's POV

Well we have no idea how long we've been in here. We are slowly degrading our energy. They rarely give us meals, almost like they forgot about us.

Annabeth is trying to work on a plan, but it's hard to do that when the guards outside your cell don't and definitely do not speak english. So we have no idea where we are.

Jason, Leo, Percy anyone, please find us fast.

I bet they are on their way to wherever we are right now, so we have no reason to worry.

Percy's POV

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHERE THEY ARE?!" We yell frustrated at the Oracle of our camp - Rachel.

I take a deep breath, "Sorry Rachel I think we are just a little stressed."

All her response was, was nodding her head a bit and walking out in the direction to what looks like the stables - she looked a little petrified to be honest.

"Okay guys," Jason starts, "I think our plan should be to go to Oregon and meet with the elves, maybe they know where they are, it seemed like those three other guys that took them seem to know something so maybe that's what they needed to tell them."

"Okay well without Leo we have no way to get to them in the timeframe we have." I said a little disappointed with how much we are getting done.

Currently we are sitting at the Pavillion and by we I mean Jason, Hazel, me, Frank and Nico.

"I don't think Nico can shadow travel us." I look at him and he just shrugs his shoulders - I know he hates it when he isn't capable of doing something.

"Well now I have no idea-" I start but am cut off by Hazel.

"Orrrrrr, we could go through the portal to the Roman camp and just hike or bus up to Portland." Hazel says.

"Yeah that works" I say, "Okay guys grab your gear and stuff you might for like two weeks. Meet back here in an hour."

"Two weeks?" asks Frank.

"You never know."

Sophie's POV

We were wondering around the streets of Portland when we Keefe all the sudden stopped in his place.

We all turned around to look at him "What's wrong?" I asked.

He looked me in the eye and said "What is that smell?..."

Fitz turned around, "It's just the pollution come on." He turned around and continued with the others.

"No, no! Wait! It's not that I swear," Keefe ran up to us.

Leo turned around, "I think he's talking about that Mexican restaurant."

I looked in the direction Leo was looking and saw a nice Mexican restaurant on the corner.

"I've never smelled that smell before, what is it?" Keefe asked.

I smelled and gave a small smile, "Chicken and pork..."


"Pardon?" Asks Alden.

"It's nothing," I say, I look around at the different stores and shops. I see a gelato place, "Hey do you guys want some gelato, the stuff we ate when we were going to the black swan?"

I get a ton of yes's and people nodding their heads vigorously. "Leo, Biana come with me" They nod their heads follow me across the street, Fitz still has my hand in his grasp so I guess he's coming to.

Percy's POV

"Nico, you are so smart, why didn't I think to just ask the gods to teleport us to Portland?" I say.

"I'm hungry you guys want some food?" Frank asks.

Nico surprisingly speaks up, "Oooh guys, look at that gelato place let's go there!"

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