Chapter 6: Sophie

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After about two hours we finally got everybody's names, I also got everyone able to understand each other - Mr. Forkle taught me how. The one thing we haven't cleared up was the fact they all had weapons on them, well besides percy, he just has a pen BUT no matter wherever we put the pen it always returns to his pocket, so like I don't know what type of voodoo they have going on there but....

I don't know what it was about them but I felt like I could trust them, well I didn't really trust Frank, I don't know he just feels off to me.

Should we tell them where they are? Fitz's voice came in my head and I really didn't know, then I heard Tell them so I responded to Fitz Mr. Forkle said to tell them  he nodded his head and said, "Come sit down everybody."

The group made their way to the couches and plopped down, well Leo kinda bellyflopped onto the couch.

"So it all started when the Black Swan made a project Moonlark."


After my brief explanation of everything that has happened to us starting from the day Fitz found me to when we ran into(Quite bitterly) Percy and his friends.

Then Leo said, "Okay let me get this straight." He paused for added affect, well that or he was trying to get his thoughts together, "You" he pointed to Marella, "can summon fire?!" All of my friends shushed him and Marella responded with lighting her hands on fire, I cringed at the sight of fire and Fitz grabbed my hand which made stupid butterflies dance in my stomach

Leo did the last thing I thought he would do, "NO WAY!!! ME TOO!!!" His arms burst into flames and Marella's fire went out and all of our jaws dropped, well Leo's friends just seemed annoyed like he does this everyday or something. We all got back to our senses and Marella said, well more like stuttered, "Y-You're a Py-Py-Pyroki-kinetic?" 

"What's a Panicsynthetic?" We all look at him for an explanation on how he can control fire and he just says, "Son of Hephaestus." He sits back down. Wait Hephaestus? That's like a greek god I won- Leo cut me off "I can also build a ton of awesome stuff, you guys should come on the Argo II sometime." 

"Awesome! I'm a Technopath! I can basically build cool things too!!!!" Leo and Dex started communicating in like another language I didn't know like half the things they are talking about and that's saying something.

Percy stood up and said, "Have you guys ever heard of Greek and Roman Mythology?" All of my friends looked stumped but I nodded my head. He responded with "Okay great, well, all the myths are real and we are daughters and sons of some of the gods. We are Demigods." I looked stumped, I looked at the kids again, Leo suddenly made sense, Hephaestus is the god of blacksmiths, sculptors, metallurgy, fire and volcanoes. Well that explains why Leo said he was awesome with building things and how he lit his arms on fire... then Percy said, "I'm a son of Poseidon, and I can control water and create earthquakes and stuff, I also have a sword named Riptide." He pulled the pen out of his pocket (HOW DID HE GET IT BACK?!!) and uncapped it, it turned into a sword about three feet long and set it on the couch next to him.

 He pointed to Nico, "Nico is the son of Hades... umm... he can control dead people and like teleport through shadows." He pointed to Hazel. "Hazel here is a daughter of Pluto and can summon jewels and is really good at navigating underground, she also has a horse named Arion and he is like really fast." He pointed to Frank, "Frank over here is a son of Mars and he is a descendent of Poseidon, he is good with a bow and arrow and can shape shift into any animal." Percy nudged Jason, "Jason here is a son of Zeus and can summon lightning and fly, he also has a sword and javelin that turns into a coin." Percy nodded towards Leo and Dex, "And Leo over there has powers over fire, he is also immune to fire and can make some pretty cool gadgets." Percy sat down and nodded to me like I was gonna say something and then he says, "What can you guys do?" I thought my explanation was enough apparently not.

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