Chapter 17: Percy, Sophie, Keefe

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Percy POV

The translating got old.


After having to be introduced to not just one but six new people, I'd just say I'm a little overwhelmed.

This house may be big but with at least 20 people occupying the house, it gets a little crowded.

I personally find this as a disadvantage, we go to an unknown country where the population doesn't speak english and have to worry about 7 other people who now know about our abilities and background.

"Is anyone still confused?..." Sophie snaps me out of my thoughts as we look down at the seven petrified men on the living room couch while the rest of the elves and demigods stand awkwardly giving worried and unsure glances toward the new presence in the household.

"Well, let me get this straight," one of the new six say, we learned that he is fluent in english, "you guys", he motions towards the demi gods, "are the sons and daughters of greek and romans gods and goddesses?" We all give a curt nod. "and you guys are elves?..."

I look towards Sophie, she nods her head.

I don't know how this is going to turn out but I know that Chiron is going to be pissed when we return.

Sophie POV

After the new group of boys got acquainted and comfortable with everybody, they offered us a trip to an amusement park, Lotte World. Apparently they're famous or something, which could be good or bad for us, it could put them in danger and give us more risk of being discovered by the Neverseen.

I know that we shouldn't be side tracked from our mission and that Annabeth and Piper are relying on us.

But we have to search everywhere in Korea, right? So we can search while we're there. We also could have a little stress taken off our shoulders.

I haven't been to an amusement park for so long, I'm excited to go because the Elves don't have anything like this in the Lost Cities.

We're all now currently in two vans traveling to the park. Apparently the group is pretty popular and rented out the entire park. Like damn.

They also said they'd help us look for things unusual while we're there.

After the long drive with elves in one car and demigods in another with the new boys divided in each one.

We finally arrive and oh my god it's huge.

Fitz grabs my hand as we go to the entrence.

Their leader says something to the guards in the front and they let us in.

"Wow. Look at that cart on rails thing!" Biana says. "Dex come on!" Biana says grabbing Dex's hand and racing towards the rollercoaster.

I drag Fitz to another ride.

We're all having fun, we avoid the new guys for a while because they're filming something. One of their reality shows apparently.

We were all having fun and playing around when all of us decided to go on the Ferris wheel.

We were on the Ferris wheel, Fitz and I in one cart and everyone else scattered out in the others.

When Dex yelled from below.

"Ah, guys!" We look at him, he's pointing someplace. My gaze follows the direction he's pointing and I see four hooded figures.

Uh oh, is my only thought.

Fitz grabs my hand and we levitate out of our seats and to the ground, the rest follow and the demigods do their tricks to get down as well.

We're at the entrance of the amusement park about the face off to the Neverseen.

When one of the new boys runs up to me.

"Sophie! Look at all the prizes I won!"

"Not now."

He looks at me surprised then turns to see what we're all looking at and his eyes widen in shock and he runs out of there so fast, he just runs to the side to watch. Like this is a movie, but... I don't know, he is the youngest I think.

"Well, I guess you found us." A voice I'd know anywhere says.

"You weren't that hard to find!" Keefe yells. He looks ready to kill, and I can't blame him, considering it's the one and only, Lady Gisela.

And then we attack.

They cower behind Ruy's forcefield as we throw everything we have at them. Linh and Percy work together to throw water daggers at them, while Nico and Tam work together to get the force field down, and when they do I try to inflict, but it doesn't work. They're wearing something that's preventing it.

We grew stronger and stronger, until they finally cower away but not until they have Linh and Keefe in their grasps.

I let out a defeated sigh as they disappear.

First Annabeth and Piper. Now Keefe and Linh.

I sink to my knees.

Next thing I know darkness settles into my vision.

Keefe's POV

Linh and I were drugged and blindfolded when we wake up in a cell.

It's next to others.

I open my eyes all the way to see Linh still asleep in the corner.

I let out a growl of frustration.

Well Lady Fos-boss is on her way, I know it.

I try to pick the lock of the cell when I hear a voice, "It's no use."

"We've tried everything."

I look up to the cell across from mine.

Two girls are sitting there.


Are they?

Oh my god they probably are.

"Are you Piper and Annabeth?" I ask.

They both just look confused at me. Oh. Sophie hasn't done her Telepath-Polygot thing. They can't understand me.

I try and just use names.

"Piper? Annabeth?"

They both widen their eyes and rush to the bars.

"How do you know us?" The girl with choppy hair asks.

I can understand them but they can't understand me.

I just say. "Percy. Help."

With the little English I know it's difficult.

"Plan. Save. Annabeth, Piper."

They both widen their eyes.

"I knew they wouldn't leave us, my seaweed-brain would never leave us behind."

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