Chapter 2: Percy

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I woke up to someone banging on my bedroom door. "Percy! Jason is here!" I sat bolt upright in my bed and I slammed my he'd onto the top bunk. I got up rubbing my head, I slipped some pants and a shirt on and stalked to the living room.

"Percy we need to go. Now." Jason said when he saw me. "Why? I just got up..." I said still half asleep. "No. We need to go now." Jason said more urgently as he got up and opened the apartment door.

I looked back at my mom and she gave me one of those looks, and tossed me a banana and a pack of ambrosia, "I promise I'll be back soon." I assured her, and ran out the door to catch up with Jason.

"What's wrong?" I ask when I finally catch up with Jason. "I don't know." He admits, "Chiron sent me an Iris message and told me to find you. It sounded really urgent, it looked like he was on the verge of tears, I've never seen him like that before" Jason said really concerned "he already got Hazel, Frank and Nico, and is trying to get ahold of Leo, he told me to get you and we are all going to meet back at Camp Half-Blood. "What about Annabeth and Piper?" I ask. "He didn't mention them, they are probably at the camp already though." Jason said like he was trying to reassure himself more than me.

We continued down the streets of New York in silence. We hailed a cab when we started to get tired and headed of to Long Island Sound, when we arrived I payed the driver and we got out of the cab, we continued to Half-Blood Hill where we saw Thalia's tree standing tall at the top.

Jason and I continued down the hill to the Big House at a faster pace than normal and when we arrived we saw Hazel, Nico and Frank on the front porch talking to Chiron in his full on stallion form.

Nico was the one that spotted us and she stopped mid sentence to talk to us. "Where's Annabeth and Piper?" I asked and when I said their names Hazel broke down crying and Frank had a misty look in his eyes and Nico looked sad... I hadn't seen him show much emotion ever since... Bianca.

"Guys... Where's Annabeth?" I asked more seriously and Jason said "Where's Piper?" They looked away and Chiron was the only one thinking straight he said, Percy, Jason, it's best we go inside to talk about this. "No... No no no no no." I run my hands through my hair, "Chiron where's Annabeth and Piper?!" I yell. "Percy..." Nico says. "Don't. Just don't." I run inside the big house and sit on the couch, I can hear Jason yelling at the group as I try to process what is happening.

I already lost her once, I cannot lose her again. After a while of thinking everyone finally came inside and Jason plopped down next to me with his arms crossed, he threw his glasses onto the table and ran his hands through his blonde hair.

Once everyone was settled in I asked "So what exactly happened?" I was still really upset, how could Piper and Annabeth get taken? They are one of the strongest women I know.

"Well Percy, they were on a quest and they found some important information and I asked them to share to me over Iris message but they said it was to important to say through the message." Chiron said, I asked "do any of you guys have any idea what the information is?" I ask a hint of hope in my voice.

"Sadly no..." Frank says, and Chiron nods in agreement, "anyway they missed their last check-in and so I sent a team out" Chiron said nodding to Nico, Frank and Hazel "they found these..." Chiron set Piper's cornucopia and Annabeth's Yankees hat on the table. That's when I felt tears start to come to my eyes, I glanced at Jason and he had the same emotion in his eyes.

"How long have they been missing?" I asked glaring at Chiron.

At first he hesitated, when he was about to answer Nico interrupted him. "A little over a week."

My eyes shot up. "A WEEK?!" I had lost it, "you didn't think to tell me a week ago that they were missing?!" I shot to my feet and stomped over to Chiron. He didn't flinch.

Then Jason reacted with a normal reaction and said "We need to find them."

"I agree but you'll need a group." Chiron said. I looked at everyone in the room and they all nodded.

"Where's Leo?" I ask

"I believe he is still with Apollo, Grover and Calyp-" I cut him off "Wait, Grover?" "Yes, but I believe I can get Leo back to camp by tonight. You six can go off to New York tomorrow morning."

"Okay." I say and we all leave the big house to prepare for what tomorrow will bring us.


I wake up in the Poseidon cabin with a ton of energy so I decide to go out to the lake- I always feel calm there.

The lapping waves hit the rocks and the smell of the sea welcomed me.

I don't know how long I was there, but I felt a tap on my back and looked up to see Leo, "Dude, you missed breakfast, it's time to go." Leo said smirking at me.

I got up and Leo and I walked to Half-blood Hill, I swear the whole camp was there to see us off, the was three times the size as it was last year, it was a little overwhelming...

When we all got into the car Argus took the wheel and we headed off to New York.

Argus dropped us off at Times Square and we set off to look for clues to find Piper and Annabeth.

A/N: Please comment if you want more!

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