Chapter 3: Sophie

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A/N: Hey Guys! Sorry it took me so long to update... hope you enjoy!

Fitz, Biana, Keefe, Marella, Tam, Linh, Dex and I were just about to go when Alden barged into the pastures of Havenfield. "Did nobody want to advise me that my children are going to a Forbidden City to look for two teenage girls?!" We were just linking hands to jump off the cliffs of Havenfield when Alden had his little outburst. He continued with his rampage... "Need I remind you why are you even letting them go rescue these girls?" He looked at Mr. Forkle. "Isn't this a human matter that their person in charge can deal with?"

"Well they were kidnapped by the Neverseen..." Mr. Forkle said slowly to Alden.

"Oh. Well go along then." Alden sat down with a shooing motion of his hand toward us.

Keefe stepped down "seriously? Just like that?" Keefe said. It sounded like he was on the verge of a huge laughing fit.

"I mean why not? You have done plenty of dangerous stuff. What are finding two teenage girls gonna do to you?" Alden said while looking down at a scroll.

"Well okay then!" Marella said in her normal excited tone, "let's go!" She then tugged us off the edge.

Everyone started screaming, well everyone except Keefe and Fitz. "You guys are a bunch of babys, don't worry Foster's got it." Keefe said.

His confidence didn't really help it clouded my mind up, then a felt a trickle of warmth seep into my mind ant wipe all the fog away. Thanks I transmitted to Fitz No problem, now can you hurry up those rocks are getting dangerously close...

I forced my eyes open. Thunder clapped and the sky split open and we fell into the void. I did a project about Central Park when I was a Freshman, I imagined the park, the beautiful bridges and the shade of the trees, the huge open land of grass with tons of people. The sky split open again and we all tumbled out, well everyone except Tam and Linh, they just levitated down and stood unharmed in the shadow of the tree.

Only then did I realize I was on top of Fitz and our faces were only a few inches apart, he smirked and I jumped off him blushing so much I would put a tomato to shame. Fitz got up and took my hand which only made me blush more.

That's when it hit me, the thoughts of like a million humans, I clutched my temples and I caught Fitz's eye, he gave me a struggled smile and went back to building his 'block'.

"We really need to work on those landings Foster" He said from under Dex. After I got my blocking up I said "Uh-huh."

"Well then! Where do we start?" Dex asked as he got off of Keefe.

"Well I was thinking we'd go to the last place they were seen." I said confidently and marched down the sidewalk, the rest of the group following my lead.

"What is that horrible smell? This is worse than Italy!" Biana complained. "And why is everyone looking at us weirdly?" Biana said.

I brought my head up and started noticing everyone staring at us as we passed by. "Did anyone bring an obscurer?" I asked kind of hoping for another answer even though I already knew the correct one.

"No." Everyone said at once, they kind of sounded happy though. Everyone was checking them out.

A lot of the girls were giggling at surprisingly Dex but also Keefe, Tam and Fitz and giggled even more when Fitz kept looking at me. I shouldn't be surprised though, elves born naturally beautiful.  There were a few boys in a few groups that kept stealing glances and Biana and Linh, and maybe even me.... ew. 

I started to walk faster, I looked down at my clothes, UGH. We forgot to wear human clothes, so we even looked more ridiculous in capes and jerkins, but everyone seemed to notice all the diamonds and jewels on our jewelry and clothes. How had I been so dumb to not remember to change clothes OR bring an obscurer. 

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