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We sneaked out from there, chasing after the king who went into the forest where we came from.

Slowly and deeper into the forest until he turned around, once he can sense someone was there with him, which was us.

"Trace anyone here!" he shouted, commanding it to something. "who is he givibg order to?" I asked Hoseok, both of us were clueless.

Out of sudden, we heard a howl from afar as he started to look around. His nose were sniffing the air, tracing down us the humans. The heat from human.

"Shit!" i cursed and hid behind Hoseok. "What are u doing??" he asked. "Well aren't u the man? You need to protect me" I scoffed.

He sighed. "Yes of course" he nodded and tapped my hand which was on his shoulder. "Shh.. he's tracing us" I spoke when i saw Leo was there, trying to catch us.

"Thank god i put you before me" i whispered, caught his attention. "What do u mean?" He asked. "Your perfume's scent is much stronger than mine. Leo will smells you and attack u first" i said with a giggle, evil giggle.

"Fck you" Hoseok cursed. "What is that?" I asked. "Love you" He scowled. "Me too" i smiled and Hoseok held out his hand.

"Imagine a place" Hoseok told me. "Why me?"

"Why you? Because i want to. Now imagine a place for him"

"Okay" i closed my eyes and smiled before i imagined the most suitable place for Leo. Pity on him. The wolf is a puppet too.

"Wait what?!" Hoseok yelled and i shot open my eyes right away. "What's wrong??" i asked weirdly. "You brought us to the east Greenland?!" Hoseok shouted and looked around. "I guess Leo is an artic wolf. He must be missing here" I smiled warmly.

"This place is famous with artic wolves!"

"Do not imagine it!" i shouted and we heard howls from afar. As we both turned our head, we saw wolves were there in a group, staring at us.

"Holy shit!" I shouted and ran to nowhere, followed by Hoseok. "Why did u bring us here?!" Hoseok asked. "Why did you imagine artic wolves?!" We were fighting while running.

As we hid, i pushed him to the tree and held his face. "Bring us back!" i said. He shut his eyes, kt's just illusions, but sometimes illusions can hurt us too.

In a blink of an eye, we were back to where we were and a sigh of relief escaped from my lips. "Thank goodness" i was grateful to be safe again.

Hoseok wasn't relieved, but kept on looking around. "Where are we?" he asked. I got up and looked at the same place, we weren't at the first place.

We were in a light blue cave.

"Where the fck--"

I covered Hoseok's mouth with my hand and walked into the cave slowly, tiptoeing before i found a light in there.

"My heart" The King spoke. He smiled in satisfy to see something froze in the small ice.

As i took a peek, i saw something was beating inside, like something alive. My eyes widened too see a heart inside an ice cube. By accident, i slipped and quickly hid myself by the cave wall, covering my mouth with a hand.

"He is not a human anymore. He's dead!" i talked to myself in such a low tone.

"What did u find?" Hoseok appeared out of nowhere. I shut his mouth once again and looked at the back, but the King wasn't there anymore.

"He's gone!" i was shocked and quickly stood up. The ice cube was there, inside another cube. I walked to where it was and used my finger to touch it but it just stung me.

I can feel the electric shock and quickly pulled my hand away. "What the hell is that?" Hoseok asked. "The King's heart" i spoke under my breath.

In sudden, we heard a loud sound of rocks falling and noticed that the only way out of the cave was stucked with rocks and stones. We were trapped.

"The King must have know that we're here!" i panicked. We were in rush, finding the escape way, not knowing that there was a source for the water to come in, filling the place up. "We must find the way out!"

Magician and The Puppeteer (BTS J.H.S) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now