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My head was hurt, but it didn't stop me from waking up. I looked around after i lifted my heavy eyelids, in slow motion, drop by drop, something fell onto my eyelashes then down to my cheeks just to noticed that it was my blood from the head.

As soon as i realised it, i felt the pain and wanted to cry because of the endless pain but i was too worried, too scared and wanted to find Hoseok.

He was there, lying down next to me unconscious. "Hoseok" i said with my shaking tone, still, no answer. I used my two fingers and checked his pulse, just in case, he was still breathing.

I placed my hand on his chest and sighed in relief. "Thank god" I was grateful and looked to my left when i heard footsteps.

"Ryu" i gasped loud to see him there. He put on a worried face, guilty too but he stopped walking toward us when someone appeared behind him.

"Brin mg me the old man" The King told Ryu but he was hesitated at first then went to bring the old man after the king mad to him.

"Let us go!" i shouted.

"I cant do that. You know i need your power, both of you" The king spoke.

At the same time, Ryu came with an old man on his shoulder, as he put him down slowly, carefully.

"Who is this?" I asked in anger. "Ask your partner. He might know" The king looked at Hoseok with a simple smile. "He surely knows him" he continued.

"Just fcking tell me who the fuck is this?! You keep on bothering innocent people, involving them into this stupid matters!" I yelled. "Dad, maybe we could just find another puppeteer--"

The King suddenly slapped Ryu's face, makes a red mark on Ryu's cheek. "I dare u to repeat it again" The king warned Ryu as he placed a sword next to Ryu's neck.

Ryu gulped down, not afraid of his dad but to the sharp sword next to him. He looked down, showing he has lost and just nodded slowly.

"Sometimes son, just love feelings can't do anything. We need to sacrifice for our lives" The King told Ryu.

"You are not sacrificing anything. They are" I hissed him. "Im sacrificing my love, my wife. She died in a battle.."

".. because of me. Because i dont want to die just yet" He started to laugh. "My soul is important than her. When the sword was just about to stab me, i pulled her, using her as a shield" He smiled wide, halpy with his decision that time.

"What--" Ryu's eyes were wide open, showing how shocked he was to know the truth. "Nobody told you that. Right.. i forgot" The King sighed and tapped Ryu's back several times.

"you killed mom?!" Ryu shouted. Once again, Ryu got slapped by him, and The King kicked his own son, makes him fell onto the ground and used the sword to stab Ryu by the leg.

"And u were not planned to be born" The King said with his eyes stared down to Ryu, cold stares. Ryu screamed in pain, awakes Hoseok next to me.

Something happened, it was like we were in dilemma and moved slowly. We can't think, we can't decided to do anything. It just last for a minute before everything went back to normal.

but Hoseok wasn't there, The old man too. Where did they go? Where did Hoseok go to??

"Hoseok.." i sobbed, afraid to be alone with the creature, the king. "See, he left you alone. Find him" He ordered Leo to find Hoseok


The King tied my hand with the chains and pulled me by hair, dragging me to the cell.

"U told me u are immortal"

"When u have someone who uses both sorcery and black magic, it's completed to make u immortal. The old man just now, he froze my heart in an ice, just to make sure nobody can kill me"

"And he did that not because he wanted to, but he forced to"

"Clever" He complimented me and walked toward the cell, "I cant kill you, you are important for the slaves. You need to continue turning them as puppets until the building is finished"

"What's so important about the building?!" i shouted.

"Devils gather"

Magician and The Puppeteer (BTS J.H.S) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now