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"Come on idiot, get up!" I grumbled, trying to get Ungeld to wake up as Elsu unloaded our cases. Well, to be more precise, his belongings.

"I don't want to go... There's food in this palace," he whispered dreamely, snuggling even further into the seat, the blanket he stole from CARESS keeping him warm.

"That's it."

Pulling the cover off him in a swift move, I grabbed the water bottle next to me, and poured it on him.

"What the-," jumping up, he stared at me, trying to comprehend what had just happened.

"There, now get up you moron, we have arrived at the food palace," I said sarcastically, moving towards the door, already rushing down the stairs as he grudgingly got up, mumbling incoherent things.

"Come on Neddicky, get the hell out, now!" I shouted from the ground, looking expectantly up towards him as he walked slowly down the stairs.

If it wasn't because of all of the people around here, I would just fly up, grab him, and carry him on my shoulder.

But I knew for a fact that normal teenage girls don't carry people, let alone people that look like they weigh triple their weight.

Which he he probably does, I reminded myself.

Even if we were ULBIT, as in, Ultra Light Being with Interior Transformation, Elsu and Ungeld still weighed more than me since they had bigger bodies than me.

"Don't call me Neddicky, you know I don't like it," he answered, yawning.

I didn't bother answering. Instead, I grabbed his arm, pulling him into the airport and walking through security, only stopping once Director Lily Jordan was standing in front of me.

"Sorry for the bumpy ride," she said, giving us a sweet look, "we really didn't plan on bringing you in so soon, but we need you for an assignment."

Already. They need our help already! We hadn't even unpacked, I wanted to complain. But deep down, right underneath my annoyance, thrill was starting to settle in, adrenaline already pumping through my veins.

"Let's get in the car and you can tell us all about it," I replied for all of us, nudging Ungeld with my foot so that he wouldn't fall asleep again.

"Of course," was her only answer, the warm smile never leaving her brown lips.

Once we were sitting in the car, the director started, never trailing her eyes away from the front window.

Maybe she had an accident, I thought, not taking any notice of the introduction she was doing. I mean, she does look extremely alert, almost as if she was scared of something happening.

I cleared my mind, successfully stopping me from reading her any more.

"So, we go in, spill some old cava, no wine, don't wor-"

"And then get the hell out of there before the building explodes on us," Ungeld finished, not bothering to smooth it down.

The director nodded, not commenting on his harsh tone.

After a couple of minutes of silence, I decided I'd had enough, "This reminds me of that time in Tokyo... You know, when we had to save that famous singer from being murdered, but he had a bomb strapped to him, and the only way to save him was by cutting it off him and instantly shielding him. He was lucky he only broke his ankle," as I thought back, I realised there were millions of other possibilities to save his life, some more efficient than others. But at the time, it had seemed like the only thing we could do.

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