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"Shit! What time is it?" I asked, getting up from the sofa, my jump alerting Elsu, who had been drooling on me, groan.

"About eleven. Want some tea? I found the tea bags," Hanura commented, walking into the living room and crossing her arms in front of her, "And I also found a note from Cameron in your room. Mind explaining?" She asked, her brows furrowing in hurt.


"I was going to tell you, I swear. But you know what HOMELUA is like, they record all conversations. If I admitted on the phone that my cover had been blown, they would have pulled me in," I said in the most convincing voice possible.

To be honest, I wasn't lying.

But the real reason I hadn't told her was because I felt it was personal, a sweet memory, sometimes awkward reminder, of a moment I will cherish forever.

"Fine... He said he was sorry,"

That sparked an interest in me, "About what?"

She sent me a small, sad smile, before handing me a piece of paper with one word on it, "I guess you now have an excuse to go and talk to him,".

It was sad, how, from all the fun we used to have, all the laughs, the jokes we had shared... Our friendship had been reduced to this. A scrunched up piece of dirty paper with a 'sorry' written uncarefully on the rough exterior, and all of this because I had let myself kiss Cameron.

"Yeah, well, you ain't doing that now. We need to get ready to ambush the bad dancers tonight," Elsu suddenly jumped in, getting up from the sofa and nudging Ivy softly, muttered "Your brother sure knows how to mess with people's life,".

"Fuck, you're right!" I exclaimed, my tired mind quickly clearing from any sleep I had been feeling until the moment. "Okay, Hanura, we've both got the dresses upstairs. Elsu, please call Mavwu and Ungeld. We need Mavwu's expertees in makeup," I said in a strong voice, walking towards the stairs, "Oh, and Ivy, stop acting like you are asleep. You're getting better thought!" I shouted already at the top of the stairs, the rapid breathings not going unnoticed for my sensitive ears.

"It was my breathing, wasn't it?" She shouted back.

Before I could answer, I heard Elsu give her a short reply, and they both started laughing.

"Al, where are the dresses?" Hanura asked the moment she closed the window, "I've already checked this room... There aren't any secret pockets or a magical wardrobe, so, what do you plan we wear?"

Grinning, I went towards my bed, and pulling the drawer out, sent her a triumphant smile, "You were saying?"

She just playfully glared at me, and sticking her tongue out, "I should have known you'd mess with me,".

"You know me. Gotta keep things interesting, right?"

I felt carefree around Hamura. She was like the younger sibling I had always wanted, the person that looked up to me, learned from me, but at the same time, someone that made me want to be a good person, made me want to work hard so that she could have a brighter future.

After a few minutes of silence, both of us carefully unwrapping the dresses we were going to wear in around eight hours, Hanura suddenly whispered, barely heard by me, "Thank you... For everything,"

My heart squeezed as I looked at the blond girl, her pixie hair covering half her face.

"I told you, I would never forget you,"

It was like a secret 'I love you', our own way of showing we would always have each others back.

"And I will never forget you,"

Silence envolved us again, the only noise coming from the plastic as we both untangled our dresses in the comfortable silence.

"Alueda!" A body suddenly entered my room, a chubby girl nearly knocking me over as Mavwu embraced me in a tight hug, "It's been so long!"

Laughing, I nodded, hugging her back, "Yep. But now, once this mission is over, I might be able to convince the director to take you in, so you can become official HOMELUA agents!".

Hanura suddenly looked up from the plastic, her face contorting into one of excitement as she started laughing in happiness, "No way! I love you so much!" She said, getting up and squishing my other side, both girls holding on to me as if their life depended on it.

"Yeah, yeah. But we aren't going to send in the mission files if we don't complete the assignment, so get off me!" I said jokingly, crouching down to pass a dress to Mavwu. "This is your dress by the way,"

"It's beautiful..." She said in awe, her hands taking it of me carefully, the cream silk falling into her hands, "I know exactly what makeup I'm going to match it!"

Smiling to myself at her reaction, I took my dress out of the bag, the blue robe long enough to cover my feet. This was so that I could wear normal shoes, since I would probably be running around chasing people with guns, and we wanted to be in the most comfortable clothes possible. Another plus to our dresses, was that they were all backless, meaning that if at any point we wanted to spread our wings, we wouldn't destroy the beautiful dresses. Then you also had the fact that it was easy to get rid of the flowy skirt, turning it into a short dress.

"Hey, so... I was wondering if maybe I could borrow your desert eagle guns?" Hanura asked, opening her eyes wide.

"Sure!" I said, quite happy she hadn't asked to use my favourite gun, the newest HOMELUA had been able to supply us with.

"Extra information; Hanura has been banned from using them since she nearly shot a scientist," Mavwu said in a robotic voice, copying the sound our radio does when we are getting informed about a mission. We call it the 'briefing voice'.

"I never heard that," I muttered, not really wanting to encourage the protesting Hanu that was already throwing a bunch of insults Mavwu's way.

My words seemed to calm her down, because the moment I finished my sentence, she stuck her tongue out, making Mavwu and I laugh.

"By the way, I'm doing both your hair and makeup," Mavwu commented, looking through my drawers to try and find my makeup.

"Nobody is touching my hair!" Hanura shouted, making Mavwu start complaining.

This is going to be an interesting day... I thought internally, smiling at the two bickering girls.  

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