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Snuggling further into the warm pillow, I closed my eyes tightly, not wanting to wake up just yet.

"Hey, Al," A voice said in my ear, making me shift to look behind me, "I'm just going to put it out there, but how do you think Cameron and everyone else will react when they see you two like that?"

Like what?

Looking around me, I suddenly realised what he was talking about.

I was practically on top of Cameron, his arm wrapped around my bare waist, basically because my shirt had riled up during the night. Trying to scramble to my feet, I pried my legs from between his, my small ears turning a shade of red as Ungeld gave me a playful wink.

"Okay, that never happened," I said, rubbing my oval face with my small hands, "got it?"

"Sure thing, boss," He answered once he saw the glare I was giving him, a warning to never speak of this ever again.

Nudging Elsu with my foot, he sprung up, the girl in between his arms getting up, alarmed.

"What," Ivy started, yawning, "what happened?"

"We watched a film, and we now need to get ready for Ungeld's first match!" I shouted, trying to make it look like I accidentally woke everyone up.

I'm evil like that, I thought, mentally using my evil laugh.

"Are you constipated?"

"Shut the fudge up," I yawned, walking towards the kitchen to see that we had an hour and a half to get ready.

"Come on everyone! We have leftover croissants for breakfast!" I shouted, grabbing two and sitting down on the counter. "There's only a few left!"

That seemed to wake them all up, because a few seconds later, they were all in the kitchen gobbling down the remaining food from the night before.

"Oh you monkey! I was going to have the last one," I said, tickling Ivy as she ate the last croissant, crumbs all around her smiling face, her hands sticky from the melted sugar we had put on top of the delicacies.

"It was yummy," she said, sticking out her tongue.

"Come here, you," I said playfully, chasing her into the lounge and lightly throwing her on the sofa and messing with her hair slightly.

"Alueda! I just combed it!" She cried, trying to make me stop as she laughed.

"No you didn't, you just got up!" I said, sticking my tongue out, letting her go.

"Children, children! Please, go and get ready for the match!" Ungeld shouted, walking out the door, Elsu hot on his heel, a croissant still in his hands.

"Bye!" We all shouted simultaneously.

As we tidied up the rooms, my mind slowly drifted off, the images from my past week flashing through my eyes, the conversations and moments near Cameron vivid in my mind.

"Hey, Al!" Cam shouted from behind me, running through the hallway towards me, before falling into step next to me, both of us heading towards chemistry.

"Heya," I answered absentmindedly, not used to him speaking to me in school.

Sure, we had a great relationship at home, spent most of our time there together... But at school, it was different.

He had his jock-ish friends, I had my nerd-ish friends. Obviously, they weren't really nerds as such, since they were all very social and outspoken, but they did put a lot of time into studying and getting good grades.

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