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It had been two weeks since Cameron and I had kissed, and to be honest, each second that passed I regretted it more.

It wasn't that I hadn't liked it. Hell, a part of me even claimed I loved it, but the fact that because of it he was avoiding me all the time really was starting to get on my nerves.

"Hey, Cam! Do you want to watch Deadpool?" I knew it was his favourite film, meaning there was a tiny chance for him to skip the film for the second time this month.

"Uh... No, I'm really tired... Football is killing me,"

My face fell.

Well, at least you won't have to break his heart in the end, when you leave, a part of me tried soothing, the cracks in my heart growing bigger by the day.

"Oh, okay,"

Ivy looked at me with pity, two blankets in her arms as she walked passed Cameron and sat next to me, giving me hug.

"He'll come back soon, he's just... Well... Confused?" The seven year old girl said, smiling sadly as Elsu walked into the room.

"Tell me this isn't another girls night!" He shouted, earning a chuckle from me and Ungeld. Last time we had watched a film, we had had a marathon of princess films.

"Don't worry, it's not princess night," I assured, placing a soft smile on my lips.

It wasn't fake, yet it wasn't real either. It was a thin mask, something to separate the feelings I was feeling, and only show one of them.

"Are you okay?" Ivy whispered.

It was strange how a seven year old could notice so many things, and make so many assumptions and help people. I mean sure, when I was her age, I was flying around the world saving people, but I had a giant advantage.

"I'll be fine," soon, I wanted to add.

Only a few more weeks until you can put the plan into action, until you can leave this place and try and forget.

That had happened last friday, three days ago.

"I'm fine, I swear," I assured Veronica, who was looking at me worriedly.

"You don't look fine," was her only reply, eyeing me.

"I just need to... Uh... Forget?"

She knew what had happened.

Obviously I hadn't told her about the arrangements, and how I was living with Cameron and he had slept in my room, but she did know about the kiss.

The stupid kiss that ruined everything.

It was like I was back at square one, the relationship I had built during months gone in an instant. It faintly reminded me of a video game, when you have made loads of progress, and then one small mistake, and you have to restart from the beginning.


Why did love have to exist? I mean I understand it's human nature to fall head over heels for someone, but why? Why couldn't there just be a cupid, or someone that worked similar to one, that could give out feelings and create couples. Wouldn't that be much more simple? Sure, against human nature and everything, but then again, I was a living being with metal wings strapped to me, so it wasn't that far off, right?

Love, such a beautiful thing, yet so scaring.

I knew I loved Cameron to an extent, knew I would have done anything to keep him safe.

But I didn't want to admit it.

"Yeah, I'm sure you can manage that! Just forget all about that good for nothing idiot," Veronica said hopefully, her eyes gleaming in acceptance.

I laughed at her harsh words, our steps in sync as we entered the classroom and sat down, awaiting the maths teacher.

As we had a light conversation, I saw Cameron enter from the corner of my eye, his dark figure walking towards the back of the class, a fake smile of his face.

I didn't want to be the reason he was feeling bad.

Hell, I didn't want him to feel bad at all.

"Do you think I should talk to him?" I whispered out of the blue, not being able to wait for my usual psychiatrist named Elsu.

"I think you should do whatever you heart tells you to do,"

Stupid poetic words, I thought, glaring at her for quoting me from a few weeks back, when I had decided to sass the insecure teacher.

"Should I ask her out?"

I knew the question wasn't directed to me, since they had no idea I was in here, the only teacher knowing my location being the gym teacher shouting at the students for not running fast enough.

"I think you should do whatever your heart tells you to do," I commented, walking towards the door carrying some papers for the gym teacher.

Thanks to me, the PE teacher was now in a very serious relationship.

Plus, I now had two teachers that liked me.

"Alright people, have you done your homework?" The maths teacher shouted, entering the room with a soft smile on his face.

No, I thought simultaneously to all the people around me, only they said the opposite.

"Good, now who would like to do it on the board?"

I knew he wouldn't pick me unless I was the last person in the room, so zoening out, I let my mind run free, thoughts and feelings overpowering my well-trained brain.

Soon enough, my mind had wandered towards the topic of Cameron, something inside me telling me to go and talk to him, confront him about the kiss and what it meant.

This is starting to sound like that film you watched a couple of weeks ago, I thought ironically, turning my head slightly to look behind me.

There he was, staring right back at me, a look of longing and regret etched onto his face.

I didn't really have a choice, I had to talk to him.

For once, my brain and heart were on the same page.

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