¢нαρтєя тнιяту σηє - мємσяу ѕнσт

3 1 0

"Al, behind you!"

A war cry resonated through the room, the sound of bullets stopping for milliseconds as I turned around.

Everything seemed to be going in slow motion as my eyes landed on the seven bullets flying towards the students underneath me, while three men that had managed to slip through our barrier of defence pointed at me.

It was either save them, or save myself.

Spreading my wings over the teenagers that had been my classmates during the past few months, I prepared for impact, scrunching my eyes up, preparing for the pain I was now accustomed to feeling.

But the pain never came.

Or maybe your just immune to it, a part of me whispered, probably the hope to never have to go through the bitter pain a bullet hole caused.

Opening my eyes, time seemed to go back to normal, the body of the soldier that had knocked out her own boss whizzing around in flashes, her movement quick and sharp as she moved from side to side, punching at the men that had been trying to shoot at me, their guns spreading over the floor as they were knocked out of the owners hands, touching the floor with suck impact they broke to bits.

She wasn't facing me as she fought of three full grown men on her own, but from the bright ginger hair and short height, I knew who it was.

Mavwu had found a way to infiltrate them, and had probably saved my life by doing so.

"Mavwu!" I screamed, as a shot was heard from my left, the sound of the bullet piercing through the air as it flew towards my friend haunting me.

Come on Mavwu, open your wings! I wanted to scream, but the words never came.

The bullet sunk into Mavwu's arm, her scream piercing through the noise of flying bullets and grunts of pain.

Screaming my own war of cry, I ran towards her, no longer caring about the students.

They had injured my coworker, my friend, my sister. And they were going to pay for that.

Spinning around, I let anger take over, my vision turning red as I felt the bullets impact with my wings, now spread over the crying body of Mavwu.

"Hanura! Take care of her! I'm going to finish these bastards!" I shouted at the top of my voice, my eyes never leaving the moving bodies of the thirteen men hiding behind tables, shooting towards Ungeld and Elsu who were defending the sleeping bodies I had left unprotected, along with the ones they had been watching over themselves.

Come on Alueda, you've been through worse situation.

Running towards the men, I grabbed two guns, pulling the owners towards me and hitting them with my wings. Next, not having the advantage of surprise anymore, I started sending punches and kicks, the training I had gone through coming back to me the same way riding a bike would to a normal human.

They weren't going to hurt anyone else, especially nobody I cared about.

The next thing I knew, cold water was being splashed to my face, my eyes focusing on a face I had learnt to know and love.

"What happened?" I asked Cameron, scrunching my eyebrows together as I tried recalling what had happened after the sleeping gas, "Did I... Did I kill anyone?"

Cameron looked at me and sent me a small smile, before standing up and extending his hand towards my hunched over figure, "You couldn't kill someone even if you tried,"

I could tell he was trying to lighten up the mood, so, sending him a meek smile, I asked, "Is that a dare?"

Laughing, Cameron pulled me up, and held me by the waist for a few seconds as I got ready to walk on my own.

It was currently still dark, although the sun was just rising over the trees that were scattered around the fields surrounding the school.

"So, what exactly happened?" I asked, walking towards the black cars that had the logo of HOMELUA, the white house contrasting with the dark metallic vehicles. It was strange how such a giant company could hide behind a brand of housecleaning, how people around the world only saw it as an international company ready to clean any house on the call.

"You don't remember anything?"

Thinking back, I tried recalling anything, but it was as if my memory had been erased from the point the mist had started flowing through the gym.

"Nothing," Suddenly, worry formed inside me as I saw the nervous look Cam was giving me, "what happened?"


Suddenly it all came back, the action from a few hours flowing back to me, the anger and hatred overwhelming me once again.

"Where's Mavwu?" I shouted, running towards the cars, making out the van where Ma would be laying.

"Wow, calm down," Elsu said, getting in my way, "she's going to be fine, but right now, we need to let the surgeons remove the bullet."

Taking a step back, I took a deep breath, trying to calm my beating heart down.

This was why I hated getting attached to people, because although you do everything in your power to keep them safe, train them for the worst, teach them to be the best, there is always that chance of losing them, and that was the black side of relationships.

"She... She's going to be okay," I whispered, trying to calm myself down.

"She's already up?" Ungeld asked, appearing in front of me.

Then it hit me.

Ungeld had shot me.

I knew he did what was right, since I was so full of anger and hatred I had no control, and even thought I had disarmed and put unconscious all of the men, I still fought them.

"Thanks for stopping me," I whispered, not fully paying attention to what they were saying.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I owed you one from the time I went OOC. I would have been put down if you hadn't shot me accidentally," He winked, pulling me into a sideway hug. "Anyway, you need to meet the bad dancers! It's honestly so funny... We, well, you, know three of them!"  

So I've decided that once this book hits 200 views, I'm going to post the ending of the book!!! (Basically there are a couple more chapters left, and maybe, if I feel generous and inspired, I'll write an epilogue for when we hit 250 views!) 

Make sure to tag and share if you want to know the ending!

And if you didn't like it... Then... I'm sorry... But you can still tag! Maybe someone else will like it! ;)

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