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"So all you had to do was save a couple of standers from a bad dancer? Just one? Wow," I muttered, not believing the director would send two of her best agents to save a couple of citizens from a guy with a gun.

"Yea, well. We had a nice dance," Elsu said, winking to Ungeld.

Great, now they had some hidden joke that I would never know about, unless we were extremely bored... Now those moments always ended up being the best.

"Okay, well-" a song suddenly sounded, the music reaching us from the park, "I guess school is starting," I commented, forgetting what I was about to say.

Walking towards the prison-like school, I took in all the details.

It was a brick building, the windows covered in colorful bars making them stand out more, and as tall as a four story building. I could just about make out a couple of students on the third floor, but I couldn't tell what age, or gender they were due to the bright green blinds.

"Well this will be fun," El commented, trying to hide a smirk.

He is so going to get into trouble on the first day, I realised, making a smile tug on my lips.

"Let the hell show begin!" Geld shouted, getting in between me and Elsu and hugging us together, placing his hand on our head and messing it up.

"Are you serious?" I asked, shrugging him off and messing up his own brown hair.

For the next hour or so, that's how we spent our time.

Bickering about stupid things, making up random jokes and correcting the teachers when they said something wrong.

"Excuse me, sir? The death of John J. Pershing was not in 1951. It was on July 15th 1948." I said, my tone polite, yet my face bored out of my mind.

"Give him a break, will you? The poor guy breathes to much. He's just so full of air!"

"Idiot, that was a very poor joke," I noted, sending Ungeld a sideways glare as he silently laughed at his own joke.

I mean, he is an airhead, but the joke is just... Quite pathetic, I thought, sighing. Maybe when he had his brain messed with, instead of making his neurons live longer and reproduce more, they made them work slower? It would make sense, really. I thought, not taking any notice of the teacher that had ended up deciding on looking for the date on his computer, some of the students turning around to look at me and whispering to their friends.

The bell rang, indicating the end of history.

Remembering my schedule, I waved goodbye to Elsu and Ungeld, knowing they both had science now, while I was stuck yet again with Cameron and his two buddies, keeping an eye out like the director had said.

As I sat down on a chair in the back of the class, I watched as all the children filed in, one by one sitting down in front of me, their chatter slowly dissolving into nothing.

"Alright people! Today we are going to talk about the body! Now not in a sexual way," the teacher I had just had in history said, giving a pointed look towards Cameron and the people around them, making some of them snicker, "but in a biological way."

Opening his book, he quickly told us what page to go to, something that I couldn't currently do, since I didn't own any of the books.

"So, who can tell me why we inherit some things from our parents?"

A hand shot up at the front, a small girl wearing glasses looking eager to speak, "Because we inherit their DNA!"


"Correct again, miss Estern!"


"Excuse me, sir? We don't actually inherit our parents DNA, we inherit half of them. Our parents have twenty-three sents of chromosomes, right? And they form DNA? Well we don't inherit all of them, but only twenty-three. Otherwise, by our generation, we would have," taking a moment to make the mental calculations, "yeah, I give up. Basically humans have been living on Earth for around four and a half million years. The average life throughout history has been... Well, let's put fourty? So count the amount of generations and then elevate the number forty-six to whatever you get." Taking a breath of air, I continued, happy to see the teacher, also known as airhead, glaring at me while trying to keep his mouth shut and eyes at a normal size. "That's why, we do not inherit our parents DNA, but half from each progenitor,"

I smiled, meeting everyone's except for Cameron's, but staying some extra time on the glaring Alexis Estern.

"That's what I meant," she huffed, crossing her arms.

The class seemed to settle back to normal then, Mr. Rockstood said, his brown eyes glaring at me for the last time before continuing.

"Very well, you are right. But, can anyone tell me what we can inherit from half our parents DNA?" He said, making sure to put extra effort while saying half.


The nickname had really stuck on me, I guess I'll have to tell Ungeld later.

"Everything!" Someone shouted from a couple rows in front of me.

I was getting tired of this nonsense.

"Do you seriously believe that all of your knowledge was inherited? All your skills, idees and memories?" I asked, annoyance clear in my voice.

My words seemed to shut everyone up.

I wasn't that rude, right? I mean I only asked two questions, and they weren't even directed at someone specific.

"You... Miss-" checking his notepad, Mr. Rockstood looked up, his eyes glaring daggers at me, "Okay miss Alueda, I've had enough of you. I will not tolerate rude children in my class, so either say sorry, or you are going to be meeting the principal on your first day here,"

This was a tough call. Stay here babysitting, acting like a stupid idiot so that the teacher wouldn't hate me, or get myself out of this hell-hole, go and spend an hour in detention, if this was like the films I had previously watched, and skip the couple of classes left of the day.

Yeah, I prefered the later option.

"I wasn't being rude, I was being honest. And anyway, what you are teaching isn't even real, send them off to university with that knowledge and they are all going to fail," I commented, making sure not to use the word sorry.

"Okay, that's it!" He shouted, his ears going red from frustration, "Principal's office, now!"

Yes! I wanted to scream, scraping my chair back and quickly grabbing my things, making sure to hide my smile on the way out. No more nonsense for the rest of the day!  

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