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It had now been two weeks since I had seen the threatening, as me and Elsu called it, and although I hadn't seen another episode of something similar, I had been able to identify the aftermath, and it wasn't pretty.

He was currently sat on his chair leaning forward, a pencil in his mouth as he listened to the lies the teacher was saying, claiming the organs used to pump the blood were the veins. His foot was bouncing up and down, and although I was behind him, I knew for a fact that his tired eyes were strained on the teacher, his head turning from side to side like a puppy following a ball.

But it didn't affect him only at school.

He had started having nightmares, stopped sleeping the amount of hours the human body needed to function properly, and had pushed himself to the limit during those hours using it as time to physically train himself.

"Are you alright?" I asked, creeping down the stairs towards the boy sitting on the floor, his arms crossed over his chest as he started doing a crunches.

He did a small jump, twisting his body to look at me in fear.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, his voice slightly hoarse.

"Well, someone keeps stomping like an elephant every night, so I decided to go and check it out," I said, trying to make him smile.

"I thought you slept outside the house?"

He was trying to avoid my question.

"I'll give you a hint of where I sleep if you tell me what's wrong," I negotiated.

Truthfully, I would only tell him my room was attacked to the house, and knowing the amount of imagination he had from class, he would probably end up deciding I used an invisible door, that lead to a beautiful meadow where time never passed.

"I-I... I'm fine," He stuttered, his face unsure, the bags under his eyes making him seem older, as if he had lived such a hectic life he was somehow tired of living.

"Well, if you ever need anything, just ask, got it?"

He nodded, and seeing he wasn't going to budge, I went back upstairs, heading towards the end of the corridor where a window overlooked the now new garden.

Opening it as silently as possible, I climbed through it, my bare feat making impact with an invisible floor, the fluffy rug I had put there making my feet tickle. Quickly closing the window, my room suddenly came into view.

It wasn't very decorated to be honest, just a few objects from important missions, a soft queen sized bed, a couple of photos of my whole family back in CARESS, and a wall staked with guns, bombs, and some other gadgets I used on missions.

I hadn't seen him the next morning, not until I got to school and saw him standing next to his friends, a fake smile on his face as he laughed at some joke one of the boys threatening him had said.

You've saved him once, why not save him again? A part of me thought, pity and concern lacing into my daily thoughts, trying to figure out a way to help him without affecting his social status, something that, from my point of view, was extremely stupid.

As I listened to the teacher, a small plan started forming in my mind, the idea threading together like thread creating a pair of lightweight trousers, perfect for running in.

Stop daydreaming about getting some action, and start planning the action to capture the guys that threatened you a couple of weeks ago! I internally told myself off, trying to keep my head in the game.

The bell woke me from my internal war, the noise making me quickly sweep my backpack up, the untouched books still in the plastic neatly stacked inside it, and quickly walk out of the classroom, the plan for Cameron already foolproof.

Unless Ungeld or Elsu didn't fulfill their part, but that was highly doubtful, especially since it was to help someone.

As I rushed through the corridor, waving at the couple of people I had befriended, I caught sight of my two best friends, the boys I had spent all my life with and trusted more than the doctor assigned to me at CARESS.

"Hey, idiots!" I shouted, my power walk slowing to a stop, "I need to talk to you about the threatening,".

"The what?" Ungeld asked, obviously oblivious to the threats Cam was receiving since I had decided not to fill him in, knowing he would do one of two things; either go straight to the youngsters at fault and give them a piece of his mind, or go to them, and instead give them a piece of his punch.

"A couple of weeks ago, I was reading a book. It was about a young boy, black hair, blue eyes, that was threatened which made him act super off and depressed. The poor citizen didn't know his distress would summon a deadly demon, along with its two pals, both from a group of dark angels called the AMGELs. All six of them went to a dance, and scared the two threateners so much with their amazing moves that they never went near the main character again." Stopping to eye both of them, I could tell Elsu had understood everything, while Ungeld was still trying to process it.

"So you mean, the two dark angels go with the demon to scare the threateners at a dance, all because the poor citizen can't defend himself?" Ungeld asked, a glint of apprehension in his eyes, a smirk forming on his mouth as he realised what I was talking about.

I nodded, a small smirk tugging on my lips as I asked, "Are you two in?".

"Hell, yeah!" They shouted simultaneously, before Ungeld continued, "Get it? Because we are talking about demons and stuff... They come from hell?"

I facepalmed.

"You're a couple of frustrating idiots, you know that?"

They both smiled, and shouted, earning a couple of stares from the people around us, "But you love us!"

Yes, I did.


PS: What do you think about the book so far?

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