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"We, well, you, know three of them!" Ungeld exclaimed, pulling me over to the cars, agents of all ages walking around, passing as they talked on the phone, interviewed the attackers, and some explained the situation to the students that had started waking up.

"Get down!" I whispered, not wanting to be recognised.

Looking around me from behind the car we had jumped behind, I saw a couple of blankets in the back seats.

"We could wrap them around us, put on our masks and walk out as if we had just woken up too..." Ungeld whispered, trying to figure out a bulletproof plan in order not to get caught, "Or, we could put our wings out, and use the blanket to cover our faces, like a cloak!"

That seemed like a better idea, especially since I really wanted to talk to the attackers I supposedly knew.

"Second option,"

Taking the top of my dress off, I let my wings flow behind me, the feather grazing the soft grass underneath me.

"Help me a sec?" Ungeld asked, struggling to take his smart shirt off while sitting down.

"You are such an idiot..." I muttered, unbuttoning his shirt, "Now grab the blankets!"

Slowly opening the door, he crawled in, and swiftly grabbing the black blankets covering the seats, he threw the outside, the soft fabric touching the wet, cold grass.

"Seriously?" I whispered, grabbing the one on top, "Why couldn't you just carry them?"

Wrapping it around my neck like a scarf, I pulled it up, using the loose back as a hoodie to hide my face.

"There, done," Geld muttered, standing up.

It was quite a sight to be honest. Underneath the fabric that fell on either side of his chest, you could just about see the well defined muscle, and having the plus of golden wings, it made him look like an angel in disguise.

Walking next to him, I looked down, holding tight the two side of the cloth, making sure it wouldn't fall off. We had to get to the bad dancers, and the only way to do that was if we managed to pass in front of the sleepy students that were starting to ask questions, their eyelids starting to open up.

I guess that's a plus, I thought, nearing them, if they're tired, it will be harder for them to recognize.

"Who are they?" I heard a girl ask an agent, her voice full of aware as we walked passed them.

"They saved your life, and would appreciate it if you didn't disturb them."

Continuing walking, we went to the cars in the corner, the lights flashing as a few agents walked around, passing on their phone as they tried getting the job done quicker.

"Hey! I was told I knew a couple! Could I talk to them?" I shouted, walking towards the loud sector of the field.

"Yes, maybe you'll be able to get something out of them,"

Nodding, I entered the car the man was pointing towards, the door slamming open as a woman rushed out, her face full of anger.

"Good luck," she huffed, looking like she was ready to kill.

"Oh, this is going to be good!" Ungeld exclaimed, excited to be sitting in the front seat of the car, a perfect view to see and not be seen thanks to the tinted glass between the two parts of the car.

Rolling my eyes, I entered the well-lit car, the three back seats full.

"Wow, I never expected you'd have the guts to enter," Cameron's dad smirked, sticking his chin up.

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