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12 1 0

"Thank you so much for the food, it was lovely," My stomach was now full, the lasagna and birthday cake now nowhere to be seen.

The woman that had found me outside, Claudia I had found out later, smiled at me, and answered happily, "It was lovely having you," and winking, added, "even if you did finish all the food that should have been for four fully grown men."

I didn't usually blush, but for some reason, that comment made my cheeks feel hot.

Keep yourself under control!

I smiled shily, tugging at the green sweater the young black haired boy, named Cameron, had lent me to cover up my chest, even if it was still in 'warrior form', meaning it was as solid as diamonds and looked like plain old metal.

That's when I realised I wouldn't be able to use it if I flew away, since my wings would just tear it apart.

Can't let that happen... It's such a nice sweater! Imagine Cameron wearing it, he must look so hot!

I had not just thought that.

No, I was just imagining what I would think if this was a chick-flick, if I was the protagonist of a romantic film.

No, that wasn't me thinking.

Absolutely no way.

Scared to be in love? My subconscience asked smugly, making me shake my head slightly to forget about what had just happened, while taking the said object off and handing it to Cameron.

"I'll come back in a few days to help you out with the garden. I'll pay, don't worry!"

"No need, dear. I'm sure we can do just fine,"

I shook my head, telling her that it didn't matter what she said, I'd still come and help in a few days.

"I guess we'll see you then," Cameron said, smiling at me, getting closer to give me a hug.

No physical contact! You'll fall in love, remember? A part of me told me mockingly as I opened my arms and returned it.

"Yep! Now go and get some rest Claudia," I shouted, leaving the kitchen and escorting myself to the front door, getting ready to meet the freezing air outside since it was currently winter.

"Sure will! Bye!" She shouted, coming into view.

Opening the door, I walked out backwards, waving at them, before turning around, getting ready to let go of my wings that I had managed to put away while having lunch, the calories quickly boosting my energy.

Before I could even get one meter up in the air though, a bullet was heard, and using my quick reflexes, I blocked it with one of my wings.

Fuck! They must of followed me here!

Running back into the house, I slammed the door shut, and shouted in no direction in particular.

"Cameron, Claudia! Get your ass down here! Bullets are flying and I need to get you to a safe place!"

As soon as they heard that, the both came rushing out of the kitchen, their eyes alert from the bullets going through the window, destroying all their belongings.


I shouted, peaking through the hole in the door.

Luckily, they had understood what I had meant, and had thrown their body against the floor seconds before the man outside holding the automatic rifle had started in.

Think, think, think... What was the safest place in a house? Thick walls... Thick walls, stairs... The closet under the stairs!

"Get in the closet under the stairs!" I shouted from the floor, crawling towards them, not ready to feel the pain one of those bullets made when getting in contact with my wings.

They both nodded, pure fear clear on their faces.

Fuck it. I'm ending these bastards.

Gliding my hands towards my very large trousers, I stuck my hand inside and grabbed my gun. As I checked out many sleeping bullets I had, I realised I only had five, meaning I would have to take out minimum one person with my bare hands.

"Whatever you do," I screamed, trying to reach the two people a few meters from me, "do not leave that room. I'll handle it!"

Adrenaline was pumping through me at full force, my heartbeat spiking as a small smile appeared on my face, anxiety to get my hands dirty.

No, I wasn't a bloodthirsty idiot. But, you mess with innocent citizens, and I'll answer for them.

Let's not forget that one of the guys out there is the man that escaped Elsu this morning.

My smile became wider, the fear of the bullets no longer reaching my brain.

"Let's do this," I muttered, running out of the door while the man with the riffle stopped to observe what was happening inside the house, waiting for some kind of movement.

Shooting at him before he had a chance to react, he quickly slumped to the floor, gaining the attention of the other five people hiding behind the car.

Sadly, they saw me and reacted, bullets flying out of their guns, their heads low.

Remembering the guns they were using from a textbook I had once studied, I realised, not only from the small amount of pain I was feeling, but that the bullets didn't gain much velocity.

Taking that into account, I decided to take my chances and walk up behind them, the wings always covering me from them.


Four to go.

Bang! Bang!

Two to go.

Aiming my last bullet at the man that seemed to be older, have more control over his body, I let my fingers loose, and just as he moved slightly to the left, shooted, knowing perfectly well he'd think I was going to shoot at his previous location.

Only one to go.

Looking around me, I realised that there were pieces of shattered glass on the floor, so picking a medium size one, no bigger than my hand, I aimed at the last man standing, using his moment of weakness without his gun loaded to my benefit.

A scream was heard as the glass pierced his arm, sticking through his forearm.

God that's slightly disgusting, I thought, nearing his hunched figure and his fellow unconscious mates.

"Okay bud', please either get up so that I can pull out the glass, or stay down there and get hit in the head so hard you fall unconscious for the next three days. Your choice."

He immediately got up, letting me take the shattered piece of window out of his body. What he didn't expect thought, was for me to use the back of my gun to knock him out, his mouth wide open in surprise as his weak body fell to the floor.

"Maybe I was a bit too harsh..." Then I remembered the innocent people he and his friends had abducted, had taken as prisoners in the building from this morning. The woman I had saved thanks to my mask, the blood she was losing, "No, you guys earned it."

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