¢нαρтєя ѕιχтєєη - ѕαтαη'ѕ мιηισηѕ

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"Okay... Now!" I whispered, pushing Elsu and Ungeld forward towards the alley Cameron had just entered, the two boys from school following him closely.

Their dark bodies entered quietly, the black masks covering their faces so that the threateners, that I could never remember the names of, wouldn't be able to identify them.

"You, yes, you two... What do you think you are doing?" I faintly heard Elsu say, his voice lighter, but scarier, said.

That's my cue.

Walking towards them, I extended my wings, making sure they blocked the light from the lamppost placed right outside.

"Are these the kids that were begging for death? Oh, dad will be happy..." I muttured, a sinister smile on my lips as I rubbed my hands together, the mask covering my gleaming eyes.

"What the- shit!" The tall boy said, trying to scramble away from us, hiding behind Cameron as he looked at them concerned.

"What's the matter?" He asked, acting like we weren't here.

"Fuck mate. Them!" The other boy whispered in fear, his voice trembling as he pointed towards us.

"Now, now... He doesn't know we are here. He can't see anything." I said politely, spreading my wings while opening my arms and indicating the surroundings, "But you two, you are currently at the doors of death, meaning we could appear."

The tall blond boy shivered, his face paling as he realised what I was saying.

"Yeah, shall we just watch to see how they die? I mean, we've been watching them bully Cameron here for weeks, so we might as well watch as that fact kills them," Ungeld said, making me and Elsu turn around at hiss at him.

Good job. That was extremely believable, I wanted to mutter to him, but decided against it, knowing it might be heard by the two boys on the verge of crying in front of us.

"Wait! So if we don't talk to Cam, we won't die?" One of them realised, his face contorting into one of pride.

"That's correct. But why leave the job undone? Go on, finish what you started!" I pleaded, bringing my wings closer to my body as I took a few steps towards them.

"Um, who are you guys talking to?" Cameron said, his eyes staring into the pale boys around him, his voice unsure, "Do you want me to call someone?"

They both turned around, and glared, the tall blond about to give him a whacke behind the head.

"Yes! Hit him!" Elsu suddenly shouted, moving towards them to have a better view acting excited.

That made the big guy stop midair, his hand centimetres away from Cam's head who had already gotten ready for the impact.

"Come on! I want to take a soul back home! Just hit him already!" I now said exasperated, crossing my arms in annoyance. "What's so hard in insulting him? Or hitting him? All you really need to say is you're stupid and we get to leave this sickening pla-!" Before I could finish, Elsu jumped on me, his hand flying over my hand to make me stop talking.

This made the two youngsters look between themselves confused, before the brown haired boy said, excitement dripping from every word, "So, if we don't say anything or touch him, we will live?"

I quickly pulled away from Elsu, trying to act scared as I rushed over to them and stared them in the face, my mouth slightly agape as I took in their appearance.

"You," I said, pointing my finger in their chest, one by one, "will hurt Cameron. Emotionally or physically, but we have come all this way to take you away. So make the life of a demon easy now, okay?"

"Not touching, not talking, not hurting." The brown eyes boy said smirking, making Elsu, Ungeld and me shrike, my wings spreading as I looked at them in horror.

"We will be back!" I shouted, letting the cold wind take me, Ungeld and Elsu using their flour covered wings right next to me.

There, that should keep them away for a while, I thought, smiling at myself as we flew towards our road.

"That was so friggin' fun!" Ungeld shouted the moment we landed in their garden, his white mask gone as he shook his head, trying to get the flour off.

"Yep, and satisfying," I said, smiling as I took off my own mask, making sure not to damage the artefact.

"And extremely thrilling! Reminds me of the old times... Remember that time in London?" Elsu chipped in, his bright smile evident in the dark night.

"Oh, come on... That was much better. Making a couple of grandads believe that Satan was telling them to put down their guns? Easy. I mean, they believed in Satan in the first place! But making two teens fall into our trap... Now that was something to remember," I said, opening the door and heading towards the shower to clean off the paint.

"I meant the other time! When we stopped those teens from throwing their parents off the Eiffel Tower!" Elsu shouted.

He might know about medicine, but he has no idea about geography.

"That was in France!" I shouted, taking my trousers off and throwing them in the sink, knowing fully well I would have to clean them later on.

"I think he means the time those parents were about to throw their children off Big Ben. I still don't understand how they got up there," Ungeld shouted, is voice muffled by the hot water pouring down my body as I started rinsing off the paint.

Using the soap I had left on the piece of metal next to the shower hose, I let my body relax, my chest turning back into skin, my wings no longer tense, but grazing the black tiled floor, the paint coming off me hardly distinguishable.

As I let out a sigh of happiness, a sudden shout woke me from my small leisure, the water droplets massaging my alert wings as the word soaked into my mind.

"Hey, Al! You're house seems to be under attack again!"

Fucking fantastic, I thought sarcastically.

At least I got two minutes of peace and quiet.

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