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Cameron Bryan Elson, the reason of my sudden urge to get away from reality.

His bright intelligent blue eyes, his short black hair, his toned body, the way he would always scrunch up his face at the mention of pink or yellow, the fact that he would always smile at the mention of his sisters name... It was all very enhancing, as if he was putting a spell on me to make me fall for him.

See? You like him.

No, no I didn't like him. I couldn't. I mean, why would I fall for a guy like him, when I saved much better looking people on a monthly bases, and worked with two amazing boys? No, I couldn't like him, could I?

You like him, just admit it to yourself.

It doesn't matter. Even if I did like him ,what would it really change? I'm still only here to keep him and his family safe, and catch the people behind the threat.

It would change your relationship. I mean, have you seen the way he looks at you? It's as if he's a lost puppy, just waiting for you to come and pick him up and pet him!

Lie! Cameron doesn't like me... He has girls that look much better than me trailing behind him, and that act much more ladylike.

The only reason they are better looking is because they cover their faces in makeup. I Mean, some of them have orange skin!

It doesn't matter. He doesn't like me, I don't like him, period.

Keep telling yourself that.

As I soared over the ocean, I tried calming my rapid thoughts, the internal fight never leaving my mind as I flapped my long wings, urging myself to go faster.

"Help! Someone help!"

Suddenly, my ears picked up cries for help, so dropping a couple of hundred metres, I stopped myself, flapping midair as I looked around me, trying to distinguish where the screams had come from.

"Where are you..." I muttered to myself, straining my eyes over the vast blue water, "Aha! There you are!"

Flying towards the barely-floating raft, I glided down towards the two women, their panicked screeches now more evident than before.

"Hey," I shouted, grabbing their attention, "what's the matter?"

One of them pointed towards the water, where a large fish was swimming around them, while the other woman, her green eyes moving frantically around, shouted back, "We are under attack!"

Is that... A shark?

Understanding took over me, the giant creature biting into the raft.

"Fuck! We are going to die!" The ginger girl shouted, her green eyes starting to get puffy as hope left her face.

I had two options.

Either I shot the shark, leaving him asleep for a good hour and an easy target to other predators, and ended up carrying the two women back, or I left the shark unharmed, and just swept the two ladies away from the nightmare they were currently living.

"Okay, both of you, put your arms up, now!" I shouted over their crying.

Both of them did as told almost instantly, their hands flying up as I grabbed them by the waist and held the on either side of me.

They were heavier than they looked.

"Okay, girls? I'm going to need both of you to hold onto me. I can't hold onto both of you and fly, I haven't got the capacity to do that,"

Big fat lie, you're just too lazy to actually use some muscle.

As I flew in the direction I had come from, the whimpers from either one of them decreased, only a few hiccups leaving their throats every few minutes.

The sky was blazing here, the blue from the air reflected on the ocean, our silhouette a mere black spot travelling over the calm waves. It would have been a pleasant flight, if it wasn't for the two humans sweating buckets on either side of me, the floral dresses sticking to my bare stomach as the wind made they tangly hair fly in front of my face.

"Alright, we have nearly arrived!" I shouted in glee the moment I spotted some land.

"Yes!" One of them shouted in my ear, making me hiss at her high pitched voice.

Geez, I'm going to end up having to get a hearing aid at this rate... My ear os going to die! I thought dramatically, speeding up a bit so that I wouldn't have to be kept company by these two women.

"Okay, have any of you got money?" I asked, not particularly happy about having to go into a city.

"I've got my credit card. Why?" The ginger girl asked, her voice suddenly scared.

"Because I'm going to fly through the city, drop you off, and go back home," I muttered, not really interested in informing the two gossip girls attached to me.

At least now you know who's the new hot couple, the divorce cases between celebrities, their crushes and the rising pop stars, I thought sarcastically.

"What?" They shouted simultaneously.

"Just do exactly what I say, when I say!" I shouted, trying to hide the annoyance I was starting to accumulate.

As we neared the noisy and polluted city, I quickly told them to let go off me, using my own arms to keep them secure as I dived down towards the concrete floor, their screams filling my ears, but nonetheless, doing as I had told them.

Glide, drop, fly, I drilled, making sure I wouldn't get it wrong as I calculated the distance between each building.

"Okay, start running!" I shouted over the wind.

Ready, steady... Let go!

Spreading my arms, I let go of the two sweaty women, their bodies running a couple of metres before coming to a stop.

It must of been a true sight to see.

A giant blue bird dropping off two mad-looking ladies, their hair as wild as a birds nest, their bodies as sweaty as if they had been in the dessert. Not only that, but the cries of joy along with they dancing of happiness didn't really seem like the kind of things you would usually see in a city, no matter how populated it is.

As I dodged the buildings, a giant clock appeared in front of me.

I had spent around twenty four hours flying.


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