¢нαρтєя тωєηту ƒσυя - ƒσυη∂ мє нσω?

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Yawning, I got up, stretching my arms out on either side of me as the sun entered through the transparent wall.

Ever since I was little, I had this thing that I needed to be surrounded by natural light, and that meant that in the morning, when I woke up, I needed the sunlight to filter through. Also, it was a good way to always be ready for combat, since no matter what point of the day it was, I was accustomed to the light from outside.

As I did my morning stretches, that I should do every day but ended up only doing them on the weekends since school was way too early, I remembered the events from last night, the way the human had given me support while I went through one of my worst nightmares.

It was Cameron, wasn't it? I asked myself.

But it couldn't be.

I mean, he didn't even know the location of my room, so how could it have been him?

Knowing your vivid imagination, you probably dreamt it all, a part of concluded, although another part, a bigger one, was against that reasoning, but trying to figure out how Cameron had gotten into my room.

"Just forget it," I told myself, trying to retract the memories, stop the dark images from entering my mind, "it doesn't matter, anyway. You'll be gone in a month or so,"

Deciding to go for a run to shrug the thoughts away, I get changed, placing a large jumper over my sports bra, an item I hadn't started using until I had seen the girls in gym wearing them, and had decided to get one to see how it felt. It was actually really comfortable, but nothing compared to the metal chest.

Pulling my tight leggings on, I opened the hatch on the floor, and jumped through, landing with a roll on the wet green grass.

It had been weeks since I had gone for a run outside of my usual schedule, that consisted in sprinting to school when I was late, and jogging in physical education in order to not gain much attention. The only time I had actually ran in class had been on my second day, and the amount of glares and curious glances I had gotten had made me realise I shouldn't show off, but hide in the crowd.

I was sprinting now, my legs trying to catch up to the speed of my mind as it turned and turned, the images and thoughts from the past couple of months twisting and turning inside me, my brain processing everything at a higher speed than normal.

The flowers were starting to appear in the trees, the colors of spring coming to life as the school year came to an end, summer break nearing by the second.

I knew what I would have to do, how I would have to leave Cameron, Ivy, Claudia and Elisabeth, along with the friends I had made at school. And that's why I had planned a master plan to make them all hate me a couple of days before the Masquerade, were I would end the men I was sent to finish, and go back to my old life.

They would eventually hate me after the hurt, and I would eventually forget them.

No you wouldn't, you can remember things from when you were a baby, days old... Of course you'll remember them.

At moments like this, I wish I had Hanura with me. She would know what to do, she always did in emotional situations.

Pushing myself a bit more to reach home, I sprinted even faster than before, the breeze created by the speed flying my hair out of my face, the fresh air entering my lungs, purifying me.

"Ew... You look sweaty," Ivy commented, scrunching up her small nose while squinting her eyes at me.

"What about a hug?" I asked cheekily, walking towards her at a slow pace.

"No!" She shouted, giggling as I chased her towards the kitchen, circling the counter.

"Alueda! Stop chasing Ivy!" Claudia shouted in a tired voice, walking down the stairs looking exhausted.

"What happened to you, grumpy trousers?" Ivy asked, looking at her aunt concerned.

"Well, it seems your brother decided running away from home during the night, and me and your mother have been trying to find him ever since we noticed he was missing,"

I could tell she was worried, and I felt bad for her. But another part of me couldn't help but feel excited, happiness overflowing my system as I realised there was a very high probability of Cameron being the person that had been in my room last night. The only thing against it right now was the fact that I didn't know he knew where my room was.

"Do you want me to help look for him?" I asked, hiding my emotions behind a mask of worry.

"Oh, no. We found him this morning in the kitchen. He literally just left, I think he said he was going to football practise,"

That caught my attention.

So if I was right, Cameron had spent the night in my room, and probably because of the light filtering through the wall, got up and left me while I was still asleep. Then he had had breakfast, and then, when his mum and aunt started asking questions of where he was, decided to stop the questioning and use the excuse of having to go to football practise.

The only mistake in his bulletproof plan was the fact that I knew he had been the one in my room, and I knew for a fact he did not have football this morning.

How the hell did he find my room?

As much as I liked him and the way he had found me while I was having a nightmare, and conforted me, it really wasn't very satisfying to know he had found out where my room was, since that would mean I hadn't hidden it very well. Not that I had even tried thought.

Where could he have gone? I thought, trying to understand the mind of the boy, wanting to throw him on a chair and ask him a ton of questions, he can't have gone to the football field, so where could he have gone?

As I scratched every bit of information I had on him, I tried remembering what kind of places he liked, where he felt safe, where he would go when he felt sad or scared.

He used to go down to the bar near the mall...

As I quickly got changed, not bothering with having a shower, I grabbed my coat and bag, and saying a quick goodbye, left the house.

But he goes to Ungeld's and Elsu's house now.

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