¢нαρтєя єιgнт - ησт α нєяσ

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"Okay, you, miss, are going back to CARESS!" The director shouted over the sound of the helicopter's blades turning in the air, her feet not even touching the ground as she used a rope to slide towards us.


"No but's! Do you have any idea how much damage you've done? The government now has to pay for all the damage in that house," her feet touching the floor, her finger pointing to the building with shattered windows, "the whole backyard is destroyed, so that's a plus someone's going to have to pay, and explain to the whole media why a giant flying bird was spotted!"

That caught my attention.

"I was never spotted, I made sure of that," I answered, trying to hide my annoyance.

"Oh, so when you fell out of control, you still made sure nobody could see you? Just admit you fucked up, and go back to CARESS." She didn't leave any room to argue.

I told you not to save that woman! See what consequences trying to be a hero gave you? You might be a SUPERHEROT, but you know perfectly well that's not the same as a superhero... So why would you try acting like one?

It had been years since I had felt like having an emotional breakdown, the overwhelming feeling of failure taking over my mind.

"Hey, Alu," Looking up, I saw it was Elsu speaking, "Director told me to tell you that you have to stay here until after cleanup,"

I nodded.

Trying to forget the harsh words I'd just heard, I made all emotion on my face disintegrate, the look of boredom covering my whole being as I strutted towards the house and started explaining what had happened.

I wish Hanura was here, I thought, remembering her calm voice from previous incidents, her soothing talks always making me feel better.

"So, you fell in the garden, saved miss Claudia, spent lunch there, and three hours after your fall, some people attack you, one of which you distinguished as the kidnapper that ran away this morning. Am I correct?" The voice had a thick accent, his facial expression concentrated as he slumped over his short body, noting down the main events to find the runaway man.

"Correct," I said, trying to look at him in the eyes without making it look like I was making fun of his short height.

We all know how that would end, I thought, remembering the time Ungeld had looked at him 'disrespectfully', as the man claimed, and a big fight started. I don't think Ungeld even knew what was happening!

He wasn't the smartest out of the AMGEL's, especially in reading people and interacting with them. But he could come up with amazing pranks, could time everything at the exact second as if he had a timer placed in his brain, and was an amazing friend to have, especially if you needed medical needs, since he had spent most of his life borrowing medical books from the scientist assigned to him, Doctor Quintin Malfore. But then again, he was an extremely lazy person, so if you wanted him to do anything outside his normal routine, you had no other option but to threaten to burst his football ball.

"Hey Ungeld! Can you do me a quick favor?" I shouted towards the green eyed boy, his chocolate brown hair shining under the sunlight as he turned and walked towards me.


"Could you check if I have a bullet stuck in between my wings? That's actually the reason I skydived..." I muttered, trying to keep my voice as low as possible.

"Are you serious?" He asked in an incredulous voice, his face scrunching up in pain, "That must of hurt like shit!"

"Keep your voice down!" I whispered, not wanting all the other agents around us to know about my accident.

He looked at me, a flash of pity passing across his eyes before muttering under his breath, "Okay, let's go into the house, and I'll see what I can do,"

Once inside the modern house, we headed up the stairs, the images of bullets bouncing of the stony floor vivid in my mind.

"It light look like it's only decoration... But I think there's more to the design than what meets the eye," Ungeld said, inspecting the house with his keen eyes, taking in every single detail that he saw.

"I agree. And the family didn't freak out that much when I fell, nor when I saved Claudia from the deathly poison. They even made jokes about it!"

There was something off about this family, something that made them different from the usual habitants around the world.

"Okay, there's no one here," Unseld broke me from my trail of thoughts, stopping in a room quite similar to the one I had woken up in, but with clothes piled on a grey chair next to the window, a couple of photomarks decorating a light wooden desk and a silver laptop sitting next to them.

I turned around, putting a piece of cloth into my mouth so that my screams would be muffled and nobody would find out about this.

"Okay, when I say three. One," I relaxed, trying to forget the pain I was about to feel, "two," he quickly pushed me forward with one hand, and pulling my wing back.

The pain shot through my body, my knees nearly giving out as a sudden scream left my chest, my eyes watering as my whole back felt like it was being torn from my body, the agony reaching my brain like light filtering through a hole.

Close the hole, get rid of the gap... Come on, forget the pain! You can do this, come on!

My vision was becoming blurry, but just as my conscience was telling me to do, I made myself forget the pain, made my brain believe the agony I was feeling wasn't real, made it believe it was like one of the many simulations we had been put through so that we could endure extreme pain.

"Okay, go on," I muttered, my voice muffled by the cloth I had been biting on.

Ungeld turned me around, and crouched before me, his eyes holding proudness as he looked at me, one of his hands flickering away a tear that was rolling down my cheek.

"I've finished,"

I shrugged my shoulders, moving my wings a bit, just to make sure he was right.

It doesn't hurt!

I quickly hugged him, the wet cloth falling from my mouth and brushing his bare arms.

"Eww!" He screamed, getting up and stepping away from me, glaring at me as he rubbed his arm while I laughed at the memory of the time we had both witnessed a man do exactly the same thing.

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