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Millie POV~
"Butters in the cabinet."

"I already looked in there Wyatt."

"Then look in the frigid."
Hearing them argue is torture.
"Millie dear wake up!"
But what's more annoying is mrs. Dawson (Mandy)waking me up at seven in the damn morning. Might as well get up before she starts banging on my door.
"Finn give me my phone!!"

Seriously...finn has to be such an asshole. "No!..I wanna know who you were talking to last night."
"Finn that none of your damn business!" Madie yelled

I heard foot steps running down the hall so they must be chasing each other around the house.
I looked through my closet for something to wear and I found a long sleeve shirt and some skinny jeans. Todays Friday so there going to be deal.
As in deal I mean drugs...lots lots of drugs but that's beside the point right now. I stepped outside my room and the smell of burnt pancake came from the kitchen. "Damnit Wyatt you burnt them again."
"It not my fault!"
I walked into the kitchen and Eva and Jackson were sitting on the couch watching spongebob,while madie was still chasing finn around the house.
"Millie your finally up." Sophia said hopping up on the bar stool. "Yea...you guys are fucking loud." I sat on the stool beside her. "Well babe that's your fault for sleeping in." Finn said from behind me. Finn wolfhard is known for being the biggest dick you have ever met and he's also known for Killing a lot of people and that scares other groups but if you lived with him since you were two years old he won't do anything. He calls me babe almost every time he speaks to me.
We made out a couple of times while we were high but that don't mean shit.
"Well if you guys were quieter I could hear my alarm." I turned around to face him and he was standing right in front of me smirking. "Whatever." He walked over to Wyatt to help him with burnt pancakes."finn give me my phone or gonna have to deal with Mandy!!"
"Ughh fine here."he handed her phone back and I giggled at their little arguments.

"Millie! I need your help!"
"Sadie..I'm kinda busy."
"By that you mean staring at your phone all day."


I run up stairs and I walk into to her green painted room.
"Can you help me with packing the pills in the bag for the deal tonight."

After about five minutes we're done and heading down stairs.
"Eva!jackson! Come to the kitchen to do your lesson."
"Yes mrs. Dawson"
During the first 12 years of living here Mandy teaches you school
Lessons but when you turn 13 guns, drugs, and fighting is all you worry about.
"Wyatt.... you millie and jaeden go down in the basement and load the guns so will be ready later." Mandy said
We walk down stairs to start working.
"Hey Wyatt wanna go a party tomorrow?"
"Jaeden you know what happened last time I went to a party."
I turned around to look at the two.
"Wyatt you beat someone's ass that doesn't mean you shouldn't go...nobody's gonna mess with you."

He laughed. I mean he's been to every deal for the past two weeks he need to let loose.
" plus what if Taylor's there...you know that blonde chick you made out with."

"Shut up mills."
We laughed and loaded the guns we needed for tonight.
"Why is she making us do this now." I asked jaeden. "Because this is a bigger group and we need to be ready."
Wyatt handed me a gun to put in a bag and turned around and looked at jaeden. "What about Eva and Jackson..whose gonna watch them while we're gone."
"Natalia..they love her and charlie...Millie hand me that."
I turned around and picked the bullet up and gave it to him. "Yea they do." I said.
"Here's the last gun." I walked over to jaeden and he put it in the bag. We walked back up stairs and Mandy called a meeting in the living room. "Okay are we all here?"
I looked around...."we're missing Noah and gaten."
Mandy shook her head and told me to go get them. I stood in front of Noah's door and I could already smell weed. I opened the door and a cloud of smoke came out of his room. "Cmon Noah not in the house." He looked at me and laughed." Sorry Millie." Gaten was beside him eating chips and watching the tv. "You guys need to come down here Mandy's having another one of her meetings."
They both said in unison. They followed me out the room and down stairs and we sat down on the couch.
"Okay guys so at 10:30 tonight we have to go to a dealing..Sadie already has the pills in the bag and jaeden,Wyatt, and Millie loaded the guns already, so Natalia and Charlie are coming to watch Jackson and Eva and everybody knows who there riding with right?"
"Okay guys do whatever you want."
We all jumped up from the couch and some of us either ran out the door or ran to our rooms. "Hey mills wanna come the mall with me?"
"Yea sure madie just let me grab my phone." I ran into my room and saw Caleb digging in my draw. " hey!!...what are you doing ass crack that's my weed put the shit back."
"Please millie let me borrow some of it." I hate when people ask me for stuff.
"Fine but only 2 of my joints okay."
I grabbed my phone and left with madie and headed to the mall.

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