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"Eva! Stop yelling I heard you!"
I'm alone in the house with Noah, Eva ,and Jackson. Mandy went to fuck some dude last night and haven't came back yet and everyone else went to the party with jaeden.  Me and Noah aren't really party people.
"Noah!....can you come down stairs and help!"
I heard his door shut and a random chick came down stairs with him behind her.
"Sorry Millie I got distracted." His hair was messy and her shirt was unbuttoned. The only question was how the fuck did she get in the house?
Jackson and Eva giggled and I was confused. The random chick sat on the couch and started to watch tv. "Hey Noah can I talk to you for a second?"
"Yeah sure."
I pulled him in the kitchen and smacked him in the head.
"Ow Millie what the fu-"
"Why did you bring some random girl in the house!"
I said only so he could hear. "She wanted to fuck me so one thing led to another and we fucked." He rolled his eyes.
"You don't even know her I mean look at her she's watching paw patrol." We looked over at her and she finally buttoning her shirt. "So does it matter."
He must be a whole different kind of stupid.

"She might be part of another group trying to watch us..you probably don't even know her name!"

"Y-yea I do...it's uh-umm...names don't matter millie."

"Get her out Noah before everyone else gets home."

We walked back into the living room and Jackson and Eva were on the couch staring at her. "Are you Noah's girlfriend?" Eva said. The chick put her phone down and looked at both Eva and Jackson. "Listen little girl it's rude too ask your guest question."
I looked at Noah and mouthed 'make her leave now'
"Um hey..."
"Hey Noah..come sit with me we can make-out on the couch if you want."
Knowing Noah he's not gonna say no.
Well guess I gotta do it. "Hey um I don't know who you are but-"
"My names iris..hey you two kids can you get me something to drink thanks."

Did she just....um no

"Eva, Jackson go upstairs."
"But what about her-"
"She doesn't live here Jackson go upstairs please."
Iris looked at me like I took her favorite thing away from her. "Umm excuse me but I want a damn drink."
My eyes went wide and Noah stepped up beside me."look you should go."
"Your kicking me out!!"

"You never lived here..there's the door bye!"
"Millie..I got thi-"
"Look bitch, you don't have control of me."
Are you serious...I don't want to deal with this shit.
"Get out and don't come back or it will be worse."
She rolled her eyes and flipped her hair behind her. "This is why your family didn't want you..your a worthless piece of trash."
Yeah, she may be right but I got kid napped because my life was shit. Mandy didn't save me she just took me away from the people who didn't love me. "Iris please just leave." Noah begged. "No!!this bitch wants to fight then let us."

Okay....let's see how this goes.

I grabbed her hair and put one of her arms behind her back. "Noah open the door."
Noah did as I said and I pushed her out side on the grass. "Don't come back bitch." I slammed the door and I could hear her yelling, "this isn't the last time you'll see me."

I turned around and clapped my hands together.
"Whose hungry!"
I looked at Noah and rolled my eyes

"Millie I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Noah... it's okay just... don't bring home someone like that again."

He nodded his head and smiled, " so what are you gonna fix?"

"I never said I was gonna fix you anything."
I giggled and called Eva and Jackson down stairs. "What do you guys want to eat?"
"Chicken nuggets!"
"Pizza rolls!"
Jackson played with Noah and Eva started helping me out pizza rolls on a pan. "Millie?"
"You have to promise not to get mad at me for asking."
"Ummm okay...what is it."
"Can I see our real mommy?"

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