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Finns POV

I took the blind fold off and I immediately saw the sparkle in Millie's eyes.
"Finn... it's beautiful." She turned and smiled at me.
Fairy lights were hung up on the trees with a small table in the middle with food ready to be eaten.
"Thanks but don't give all the credit to me, the others helped too, even jack."

I walked towards the table pulling out the little seat for millie to sit in. We sat down and caught up on stuff. I can't help at the fact that she talk about Jack a lot, yea I kinda got jealous but I know their just friends.

Finn what are you talking about, your just a friend too...

I pushed my thoughts away for now and just enjoyed the date I was having with Millie.

"I wish I could just stay home."

"Me too... I mean yea everyone does."

She smiled her bright smile and blushed.
Keep it cool Finn
"So I'm gonna be straight forward, this is a 'I'm sorry for being a dick' date."

She giggled, "apologizing accepted."
I chuckled a bit, "You wanna dance?"
"What, but there's no music."
"I can fix that."
I pulled out my phone and texted caleb to play music. Soon enough you heard sweet music playing.


"I know right." I stood up holding my hand out for her to take it. We were now dancing and laughing and singing too the song that was playing. I'll admit it I was falling hard for millie and there was no way for me to climb back out.

She won't feel the same.... she can't.

Leave me alone

You know it true Finn

Your wrong

You sure about that

I looked up at millie, she had a worried expression on her face.
"S-sorry lost in thought"

"Don't let them get to you."

It's like she read my mind. She knew what was going on.
"Whatever it's telling you finn, it's wrong."

I was shocked but happy, I don't know how to describe it.
Now I could feel Millie's breath against my lips. I looked up at her eyes and back down at her lips.

"Do it finn." She said



It's gonna be your fault if something happens to her

I didn't listen anymore, I pressed my lips onto Millie's soft ones but this was different. This kiss was more passionate, it meant something. I knew I was gonna be there for her and she gonna be there for me. I'm going to love her with all I have.

I pulled away and looked at millie.
"I love you."

Did I just say that
I'm so stupid
What if she hates me now

I was scared, I never really said that to anyone. Now I'm in real deep shi-
"I love you too finn."


I opened my eyes, "wait really?"

She giggled as she put her hand on my cheek.
"Yes finn i love you."

"You mean it?"

She didn't say anything she just kissed me. I kissed back of course because it felt right to be with her. She pulled away from me looking at me, "I mean it."

After we finish with our food and talked a bit we had to get back home. I was sad about millie leaving as soon as we got home because she lives with that bitch Jacob. Why hasn't anybody told the leader of that group. Because I know he hates rape or anything like that.

The drive back was okay. We listened to music on the radio and sung to the lyrics as loud as we could. It felt nice but then I remember.

"Uh millie are you my girlfriend?"
She laughed and I gave a nervous smile, "I could be."

"Would you be my girlfriend millie?"

We were home now and I was happy and so was millie. I helped her out of the car and we walked to the house hand in hand.

Millie Pov
We walked in the house and immediately all eyes were on us.
"Hey guys?"
They smiled when seeing our hands and I'm glad they were happy for us.

"Mills!" Jackson and Eva ran up to me and finn.

"Are you guys together?"

"Yea like together...together?"
Finn laughed beside me and I giggled, "yes we're together." I was happy very happy.

"About damn time." Jaeden and Gaten said. We spent time together and I loved every bit of it. I missed them a lot.

"Millie you ready to go?"  Grace asked walking next to me. I nodded my head and told everyone goodbye. Finn hugged me and I kissed his cheek, "I'll see you soon."
He nodded kissing my forehead. I grabbed my car keys and handed them to grace I didn't want to drive. On our way back I was thinking about Jacob (again I have nothing against him) and why nobody has told the leader what happened or what he does to girls at parties or in general. I know the rules and one of them is if you rape someone you die, plain and simple.

"Why haven't you told anyone?"
I asked grace and she knew what I was talking about.

"It never comes up and no one really ask."

"Grace you need to tell someone and he'll pay for it,there is no telling how many girls he's done this too and you know the rules."

"Millie I do know the rules and if I tell the leader then Jacobs little friends will come after me."

"Well you can stay with Gaten he loves you and he'll protect you."

"Millie...we're home so stop talking about it."

I sighed as we pulled up to the gate. Luckily it was jack and no one else. We got out of the car and went inside. Jack followed us to our room so we could hang out and talk. Jack had a blunt and he passed it around to me and grace, we do this every night but jack has to sneak out because every time we do this it's past curfew and he'll get in trouble if he gets caught in the girls hall.
I told jack we needed to tell the leader about what Jacobs doing and he agrees but grace still thinks it's a bad idea...well I think she's LOST HER FUCKIN MIND....sorry I'm a little high.

"Guys it 12:35, jack you better get going or you'll get in trouble."
Jack nodded and left out the window like always. Grace jumped up in bed and passed out   and I sat on the floor for a bit thinking about Finn and what we did tonight. I'm glad I have him. After thinking a bit I hopped in bed and finally went to sleep.

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