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Waking up is not the best feeling right now. Remembering what happened last night with Finn made me smile. I felt something warm behind me and I slowly turned around to see a sleeping finn.
I got out of bed realizing I only had my bra and underwear on. "Damn no wonder I'm freezing."
"Then wear my shirt."
I turned around and finn was on my bed shirtless with a pair of shorts on.
He tossed his over sized shirt to me which came down to my knees. "Thanks finn."
"No problem babe."
My face heated up quick and he gave me a little smile. "Come back over here." He begged. I climbed back into bed and he pulled my on top of his lap.
"Just friends right mills."
"Yeah, close friends.."
We know we wanted to be more than friends but he has really bad trust issues and the last girl he dated was dead in our back yard.
She tried to kill him for money. I kissed his nose and he gently smiled. "Millie?"
"Yeah Finn?"

"Do you ever think what gonna happen to us when we are older."


"Sometimes I imagine who I'm going to be with for the rest of my life....and the same person pops up in my head." He was staring into my eyes and I could see that he was thinking but it was something else.

"Who?" I asked curiously.  He quickly looked down trying to avoid the question. He started to play with hem of the shirt I was wearing. His fingers slightly touching my legs gave me and feeling of want.
"Oh um...just a girl..I've never seen her before."
"Oh." He still played with the bottom of my shirt and we sat in silence.
"Hey babe?"
Surprised he called me that I answered back.
"Are you busy today?"
"Um no, why?"
Finn gently push me off his lap onto the bed and leaned in to kiss me...for being just friend I was getting hella feelings for him. Which doesn't need to happen.
"Get some cloths on and I'll take you some where."
He walked out of the room and shut the door behind him. Curiosity went through me as I wonder what this boy was gonna do.
I do as he said and got ready. I brushed my hair  out and put lipgloss on....I don't wear a lot of makeup. I put a long sleeved shirt on and some ripped jeans.
Hearing people down stairs , I stopped at the end of the hall to listen to their conversation. Yes I'm nosy.
"No finn."
"C'mon Jae please just one day."
"No your taking her to a bad place."
"For one day besides she's gonna be with me."
"Exactly..do you know how many times I had to save your ass from Jacob."
"Yea bu-"
"Hey guys." I walked out in the open for them to see me. "So Finn where are we going?"
"No where" jaeden said crossing his arms.
"Please jaeden I want to get out of the house." I begged him.
He gave in and let us go. I pulled Finn by his arm out the door before jaeden got the chance to change his mind. I got in the car and turned up the volume because buddy holly by weezer was on. "So Millie when we get to this place stay with me."
I nodded my head watching the clouds outside the window while we were going down the road.
I got to thinking about my old family and how bad I was treated. Where I am now might not seem any better but if you were me then you would think different. I felt a cold hand on my leg. I slightly jumped from the feeling but I ignored it and looked at Finn. "Are you okay babe."
For me and Finn not being together he acts like my boyfriend...a lot. " yea....just thinking"
We came to a stop and we were outside a little building that looked like a restaurant but also a small apartment. Finn got out and opened the door for me, "Oh what a gentle men." I giggled
"Anything for you m'lady." He laughed and we walked up to the doors. As soon as I walked in I smelled the sweet sensation of food. I smiled at Finn and he lead us to a booth. We sat down and our waiter...oh shit.....Jacob (yes it's exactly who your thinking of).
"Oh hey Finn." Jacob said bitterly.
"And Millie." He smirked. Jacob always had a thing for me but he always seemed like a douche. "Can we order or are you gonna stare at me all day." I asked. Finn laughed but tried to hide it. "Yea sure but don't you think you wanna come upstairs with me afte-"
"Jacob she's with me." Jacob looked at Finn with a death stare. Jacob always seemed scared of Finn but he would always get his little minions to do his dirty work. I soon heard the heals of shoes walk toward us. "Jacob...mom needs your help in the kitchen."
He rolled his eyes and looked at me and winked. The girl turned around and I immediately recognized her as grace vanderwal. "Hey Finn...Millie." She smiled at me. "Hey grace." We told her our order and she talked to us for awhile. "So are you guys going to that party tomorrow?"
"Yea." Finn answered.
"Gatens even going." I chirped in nudging her a little. Her and Gaten have been talking for awhile and it's the cutest thing ever.
"Yes I know he's going."
Our food got here and grace had to go to work. Finn and I made conversation and somehow we ended up talking about getting a puppy for Eva and Jackson. We laughed and talked. Finn just makes me happy which is strange because this has never happened with any other guy. "So you are going to the party, right?"
He asked leaning forward. " yea Sophia took us dress shopping the other day."
"Well in that case it will be easier for me to-"
"Finn I don't even want to know." I giggled.
He laughed and we finished eating and left. We walked out to the car and Jacob was leaning against his black truck looking like a complete asshole. Finn didn't notice because he was talking to grace about Gaten. I decided to walk to the car and get in. Jacob grabbed my arm and pushed me up against the car. He put his hand up my shirt. " get off of me!!" I yelled hitting him as hard as I could. He smacked me and I fell. This happened so fast I didn't know what to do. I looked over and Finn was in top of him and blood was everywhere. "Don't fucking touch her!!"
Grace and I pulled him off and I pushed him in the car. We drove off and it was silent. "Finn pull over. He did as I said. He had small blood spots on his cheek and I found an old shirt and whipped it off. "I told you to stay with me."
"I know.."
I looked down knowing this was my fault. "Millie....just please don't do it again."
We started the car and drove back home. I got out and ran to the door...there was a note.

Millie and finn
We went out to find Wyatt because he wasn't here this morning
Noah and Maddie are still hear but Eva and Jackson went with us. Be back soon

We went inside and Maddie was passed out on the couch with Noah in the kitchen getting something to eat. "Where did y'all go?" He said trying to sit down but his wound was still sore.
"He took me out to eat and we came back here."
I left out the fighting because Noah would have told someone. He's my bestfriend I would know that. "What happened with Maddie?"
Noah started laughing and I was confused.
"She got high and jumped around the house and made out with me multiple times then she passed out." Me and Finn began to laugh but quietly so we wouldn't wake her up. "When are the others gonna be back."
"I'm not sure, they didn't say."
"Wyatt probably got lost somewhere."
"Or he's having the time of his life and is getting fucked by some random chick." Finn said laughing at the end.
I smiled and Noah laughed.
I found a movie that I wanted to watch so I told Finn to carry Maddie upstairs. Noah followed behind him and I made some popcorn and put the movie 'Coraline' in and Finn sat down beside me and watched it with me. It was only 3:00 and no one was back yet and I was getting a little worried so I called Sadie.
"Sadie where are you guys?"
"We don't know.......Wyatt here....and.......okay"
"Sadie you cut out what did you say?"
The call ended and I got worried. "Finn umm I'm a little worried about the others."

"Millie their okay."
I calmed down a little and sat back down. Anxiety got to me and I started to panic but Finn slowly rubbed my back which made me feel better.
"They be back tomorrow."
I laid back in the couch and closed my eyes.

They will be back tomorrow.

Yes this is a short chapter but I haven't updated and I've been meaning to so here it is and I hope you enjoy it. Comment and vote !!!!
What happened to Wyatt? And are the others okay? Will see in the next chapter. Love you guys❤️

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