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As we were going down the road a horrid smell hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Eww what is that smell." Grace said pinching her nose.
As I scrunched up my nose in disgust, I looked out the window.
"We are near a very old oil factory." Jacob replied holding his nose.
We were getting closer to the trading place. We sat in silence until we arrived at this abandoned barn. It looked like it came straight out of a scary movie.

I jump out of the car and went to the back with grace. Jack grabbed his gun knowing he won't use it anyway. I looked around and saw that there are  cars here so that must mean Mandy is here with her kids. My family.
"Millie come on."

Jack said tugging at my shirt. We walk in and I immediately see Gaten and Sadie. My heart sank. I miss them so much, even though I saw Gaten earlier. Gaten gives me a soft smile as Sadie does the same. Jacob pulls me to the front.
"Do not talk to any one of them."
I roll my eyes and walk forward, only to be pulled back.

"I mean it."

"Okay." I jerk my arm away from him. We were in the middle of the room now and I could see everyone now but Wyatt and Maddie. They must be with Eva and Jackson back at home.

I scan my friends and see finn. He looks like complete shit. He has bags under his eyes, he has bruises up and down his arms and legs, and a busted lip.
What has he gotten into? He catches my stare and gives me a sad look.
I miss you too finn.

Noah and Caleb bring the box of whatever is inside to Jacob and jack.
Jacob opened the box and scoffed.
"Something is missing."

Jack looked at Jacob confused, "ja-"

"Shut up jack."

"What's missing?" Sadie asked with her hand on her hip and a gun in another.

"That gun your holding."

"That's what you asked for. I checked it and everything's there." Caleb said getting annoyed with Jacob.

"Your really gonna argue with me, just give me the damn gun."

I don't understand. Why does Jacob do things like this.
By now Caleb and Jacob were in each others faces. Jack stepped up and reached for Jacobs arm before Jacob swung his gun back and hit him in the face. I was shocked as Jack fell back on the floor with blood dripping down from his nose. People from our group ,including Grace, rushed to jack. I pulled my gun out and pointed it at Jacobs head.

"Everything is here, so stop being an ass so we can leave."
Jacob looked at me with dark eyes. I looked over at Finn and the rest of my friends. They all had concerned faces, except for finn.

"It's okay. You guys can go home."

Noah stepped out behind Caleb, "can we talk to-"

"No!" A voice shouted behind them.
Mandy came out of nowhere. Jaeden looked at her ready to shoot but Finn beat him to it. He raised his gun towards her, "Mandy you might as well go back to the damn car"

He sounded different, more dull and darker.
Mandy stood silently in the back while Sophia watched her. I looked back at Jacob with my finger on the trigger.
"Jacob I'll fucking shoo-"

I looked down at jack and he was staring at me.


"I can do it-"

"Millie don't-"
There was a tone in his voice and it didn't sound good. I could feel Jacob smirk from the side of my head.

"Your not talking to them and we are leaving." Jacob said pushing my gun down.
One of our group members,I think his name was joe, stood up.
"Jacob let her talk to them." Something about joe scared Jacob and I knew it.

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