The end

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P.s: this song kinda reminded me of my book so listen to it❤️

Guys thank you so much for reading this book and I really hope you enjoyed it.
Thank you for all the reads, comments, and votes in this book.
You guys were so helpful on this book and I'm happy that it ended and I know some of these chapters pissed you off and some made you happy but a that's what books like this do they make you happy but they don't and to me this book was okay but it sucked in some ways. But I hoped you guys enjoyed this book.
By publishing this book I have gotten more followers and they are so sweet and I'm so happy for that. Your comments made my laugh and so happy.
But anyways thank you so much for reading this book. I'm sad to say this book is ending though and I'm glad I got through it. This book showed me that I could come up with things and be creative. Until next time.
I love you guys so much!!!!

Fillie~ Dangerous Where stories live. Discover now