~4~part 2

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~Noah's POV~

We got into the car after talking to Wyatt and millie. We drove off going to the trade we have for these two guys.

"So Noah...how are you and maddie?" Sophia said giggling. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Sophia we don't like each other."
"Noah,me and you both know that's a lie." Caleb said laughing. I laughed with him.
"No it the truth we like each other-I-I mean we don't...we don't like each other."
Realizing what I just said I mentally slapped myself. "I fucking knew it!!" Sophia squealed. Caleb smiled and my face was heating up. "Are you going to tell her?"
Is he crazy!
"What no!!... Caleb...after what happened last night..."

"Noah, nobody else knows what her nightmare was..she only told you..she trust you, you guys are in love with each other." Caleb said. Thinking about this whole situation again a little thought came to my head.
"I'll tell her."

"Tell her what?" Sophia asked turning around in her seat to face me. "I'm going to tell her how I feel about her."

Sophia had a bright smile on her face and so did Caleb. The car came to a slow stop and we were parked in front of a old barn. "Do we have to go in there?" Sophia asked
"Yep, lets go princess." I said getting out of the car.
I went to the trunk of the car to get the guns that we were trading for the drugs they were giving us.
Walking towards the barn, Caleb opened the door walking in with us behind him. With our guns held up high we walked through the dark barn. I saw light in the corner of the barn and I saw two men sitting on hay stacks. "Caleb." I pointed to the men and he looked. We walked up to them and their heads turned our way.
"Well you must be Mandy's kids."
One of them said. "We're not here to talk." Sophia said.
"Settle down babe..no need to get feisty." The shorter one said.
Sophia began to grow uncomfortable with these guys. "Look we have your guns where's our drugs?" I asked stepping closer to them.
"Okay kid calm down."
"We have a better deal."
Getting impatient with the guys I sighed in annoyance. "What." Caleb said.
"If you give us the girl...we give you more drugs..deal."
Sophia looked worried. "No..we give you guns and that's it." Caleb said.

"No girl no drugs."

Is this guy serious."that wasn't the deal in the first place asshole." I said annoyed. "What you just call me boy?!?"

"Just gives us what we want." Sophia said. "No..we're just gonna leave." The men said. Caleb stepped in front of them making them stop walking. "Look kid your best bet is to get out of our way."
"There three of us and two of you what are you gonna do?" I said laughing a little.
"You kids must be really stupid."
Looking around people started coming out behind hay stacks and other things in the barn. My grip tightened around my gun and me,Sophia, and Caleb got surrounded.
"Give us the girl and you can have your drugs."
"No." I said getting closer to Sophia. I know I'm the youngest here but I know what I'm doing. "Now."
Guns were aimed at us and we got closer together. I started getting worried but I didn't show it.
"Just let us go." Sophia said. She was scared, I could here it in her voice. She didn't want to be here. "Alright fine." One of the men said. What?? Their gonna let us go just like that...something off. We started walking towards the door when I heard a gun being loaded. I turned around and they were aiming for Caleb.
"Caleb!" I ran toward him pushing him out of the way.


"Noah!" I heard Sophia scream my name. I could here faint sound of gun shots.  "Caleb get him in the car!" When he tried to pick me up I screamed. "Call finn!"
Caleb Finally got me off the floor caring me to the car. Sophia stayed in the back with me getting on the phone with finn.
"Hold on Noah, just stay with me please." She begged.
My head started spinning and everything was getting darker.
Soon everything went black.

~Sophia's POV~

"Caleb he pasted out!!"
"Is he still breathing?"
"Yea...a little."
The phone was ringing and finn picked up.
"Finn!...Noah got shot!"
"Dont mess with me Sophia."
"I'm not joking..finn there's blood everywhere!!"
"Okay calm down just bring him home..Mandy will know what to do."
Hanging up the call, I told Caleb to go home.
Please be okay Noah.

^Back to the present^

~Millie's POV~

Everyone was running around with blood on them.
Maddie was crying and she started to have a panic attack. Fuck.
She was in the floor so I crawled to her grabbing her face making her look at me.
"Maddie...you have to breath slow."
"N-No..I knew th-this was gonna happen..I-it always happens!"

She yelled over everyone that was trying to help Noah.
Mandy was tryin to get the bullet out but Noah woke up during it and started screaming which made everything worse. "Maddie please calm down."
She pushed me away making me hit my head in the process. Watching her run out the back door gaten and Sadie following her, I ran up stairs shutting my door trying to drown out Noah's screaming in pain. Why does this stuff happen to us. Why couldn't I just live a Normal life.
Looking in my mirror at myself. Who are you. I thought to myself. Hearing Noah scream again made something go off in my head. I punched the mirror out of anger, sadness, and worry. It shattered and pieces of glass pierced my now bloody hand.
"Millie?" Looking over beside my bed Jackson was holding a crying Eva.
"W-what are you guys doing in my room?" I asked trying to avoid the screaming from down stairs. "Is Noah gonna die."Eva asked. "Eva you can't think like that."
Hugging both Eva and Jackson was kind of helping me but Noah's screaming at Mandy to stop was killing me inside. The door opened and revealed gaten who was standing there with car keys in his hands. "Gaten?"
"I'm taking Jackson and Eva to Charlie and Natalia's."
"Okay you guys need to get some clothes."
"I got it, Eva doesn't need to come out of the room..I'm strong I can handle it." Jackson said getting up from my embrace.
Gaten and Jackson went to get some clothes while me and Eva stayed in an embrace on the floor. "I love you sissy." Hearing Eva say that made me cry harder. Her little hands made there way to m face. "You have to be strong for maddie...and everyone else." She said. Gaten came back in the room telling Eva it was time to go. "I'll see you tomorrow Eva,stay with Jackson." Letting her leave the room. I sat in the corner of my room listening to Noah yell out in pain..while everyone else was also screaming.
We can't go to a hospital because what we do is bad and if we get caught we are all separated.
Noah's screaming stopped and I got worried. Getting up and running down stairs seeing that Noah was unconscious. Walking up to Jaeden hugging his side. "He's okay millie he just won't be moving around for awhile."
Looking at Noah's body laying there hurt me. What if he died? what would happen? "Finn can you take millie up stairs?"
"Wait what about Maddie?"I asked letting go of Jaeden. "Sadie with her."
Nodding my head, I turned to finn following him to my room.
Walking to my room, finn shut my door and that's when I snapped.
"Millie? What's wrong why are you crying?"
Sitting down on my bed, finn put his arms around me in comfort. "We could of lost him."
"Noah strong...millie he's fine."
"It my fault."
"Millie you weren't even there."

"Exactly finn I wasn't there!!"
I yelled pushing him off of me.
"If I was there I-I could've done something."
"Millie please...."
"It should've been me!"
"Millie stop saying that!!"
"It's true finn!" I yelled
Accidentally hitting my hand I cut on the wall I yelped a little. "What happened to your hand?" Finn asked. "My mirror."
Grabbing my hand gently he pulled me into the bathroom. "Sit." Finn said point to the sink. Sitting on the sink like he said, he got a rag and standing between my legs he started  cleaning up my hand. He placed it on the cut and I winced, "ow finn."
"Sorry mills."
Cleaning it the rest of the way off he got a bandage and wrapped it around my hand. Going back to my room it was pitch black. Turing on a small lamp in my room I sat on the bed getting under the covers because it was 12:00 in the fucking morning." I guess I'm going to bed mills night."
He turned back around looking at me. "Can you stay in here tonight...please."
"Jaedens gonna kill me."
"He'll have to go through me first."
Finn smiled lightly walking over to my bed getting under my cover with me.
I snugged my head into his chest feeling his arm go around my waist. "Night finn."

"Goodnight millie."

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