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Millie's POV

Hearing rain hit my window my eyes opened. Feeling an arm securely around me and looked up seeing Finn's face. Looking at his face closely I saw little dots of freckles on his face and seeing his curly hair fall on his face made him look perfect. No..Millie don't think like that. Pushing the thought away I wiggled my way out of his grip trying not to wake him up. Getting up I look at the clock realizing it's 6:34....yea nobody's up but me. Getting up I open the door and stepped out into the cold hallway listening to the thunder outside. The hallway was dark but little light came from Noah's room. Walking towards his room I open the door very slowly seeing Caleb and jaeden passed out on the floor.
They must of stayed in here to make sure he'll be okay. Looking up from them I see a very pale sleeping Noah. Walking over to jaeden and Caleb, I tapped their sides with my foot.
Waking them up, they sat up rubbing their eyes. "Millie is there something wrong with Noah?" Jaeden said looking at me.
"No but you guys can go to bed..I got this."

Caleb shook his head no. "We have to watch him."
"Caleb you especially need to take a break..I mean you were there when it happened."

Helping them up, they walked out of the room. Pulling a chair over to Noah's bed I sat down grabbing his hand. Of course he was unconscious so he didn't squeeze back. While holding his hand I looked out the window watching the rain and lightning. To me, rain was beautiful. When I was little and my parents were never home I would go out and play in the rain...I wish I could still do that but other groups are after us so we can't be alone in public places.
Hearing a whimper beside me, I looked over to see Noah waking up. He squeezed my hand and his eyes were shut tightly like he was having a nightmare like Maddie does."Noah?" I said trying to wake him up.
He still squeezed my hand and it started to hurt. "Noah wake up...it's just a dream." Saying it a little louder but quiet to only he could hear.
His eyes shot open and he sat up too quick and hurt his side.
"Noah, stop moving, okay."
He laid back down looking at me with his pale face. "Are you okay..do you need anything."
Looking at Noah I felt bad.
"How are you feeling?"

"Doesn't hurt as much." A small smile appeared on his face. "W-what time is it?"
He asked. Taking my phone out I looked at the time. "6:52."
"Millie you should get some sleep."
"No I'm okay besides I didn't get to see you at all the other day."

He squeezed my hand again. I looked back up at Noah. "What?"
"Is Maddie okay?"
Giggling at his question I nodded my head. "She was really scared but then gaten and Sadie helped her."
Nodding his head we sat there in silence....it wasn't bad we just sat there.
"I was going to tell her how I feel about her."

"Well maybe when you get better you can."
"I know she doesn't feel the same mills."
"Noah, Maddie would most likely die without you..she really likes you."

"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive..would I lie to my best friend."
His bright smile made me happy.

Hearing the door open I saw Finn walk in. "Millie you scared me."
Finn walked towards me and Noah noticing our hands. "Hey Noah."
"Hey Finn."
"How's....ya know."
"Oh I'm okay...."

I let go of Noah's hand getting up from my seat. "Where you going?" Finn asked.
"Just going to get me a drink I'll be right back."
Opening the door I walked down stairs getting a drink.

Finns POV

I watched Millie walk out the door and sat down in the seat near Noah's bed.
"Seriously Finn." Noah said smiling

"You guys clearly like each other."
I can't have feelings like this. I know I'm going to get heart broken and I'm going to left behind. This is why I have trust issues.
"N-no..I don't like her like that."
"Look Finn I know you've had trouble in the past but you know Millie."
Noah was right but if she didn't hurt me and I hurt her and I will never forgive myself.
"I'll hurt her."
"Finn don't sa-"
"It true Noah."
Looking at the pale boy in front of me he had a frown on his face. Noah always tries to help me out but its for something dangerous and since his accident I will never put him in harms way...Noah's like my little brother.
"Maybe you should go and check on her."
"Noah I can't leave you alone."
"I'll be fine."
Nodding my head I walked downstairs into the kitchen. Hopping up on the counter I watched Millie as she was drinking her glass of water while on her phone. After a few minutes passed and she looked up at me and smiled. "So how did you sleep last night?" She asked.
"Great..you were there so I- I mean great..."
I felt my face getting hot. Nice job Finn. "Finn..thanks for being there last night."
"Yeah no problem anything for you."
Shut up Finn.
"Can you maybe do the same thing tonight?
Say no Finn.
"Thanks Finn."
Millie got up from her seat and started walking towards me. My heart started beating out of my chest. What is she doing to me.
I felt her soft lips on my cheek, which made my face heat up. "Damn it Millie."
"What?" I looked down at her and her brown eyes were looking right at me.
"No its something, Finn what's wrong?"
"I'm okay."
But really I wasn't. I can't have feelings for Millie like that something is going to happen and I know I'm going to hurt her.
"Promise?" Looking at Millie one more time I grabbed her hands-Finn what are you doing- and smiled, "I promise.."

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